Great Lakes Partnership Council Well Spring Initiatives March 24, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Great Lakes Partnership Council Well Spring Initiatives March 24, 2012

Issue Statement The GLSLR is challenged to recognize the economic growth opportunities that can result from strong leadership and vision for cross-regional collaboration and organization. The GLPC will convene regional actors to allow for the implementation of best practices to spur continued regional economic development. The GLPC will facilitate the operationalization of existing research to help redirect economic assets to support current jobs and the transition to the knowledge-based economy.

Outcomes Short-Term Horizontal Integration: Connecting industries and sectors by resolving information deficits and improving efficiency Vertical Integration: Bridging private sector and government information/communication gaps Long-Term Horizontal Integration: National governments can move towards regulatory harmonization Vertical Integration: This is supported by horizontal integration and ensure stakeholder needs are met.

Requirements of the GLPC Promote business and government actor collaboration in common dialogue to create and promote vision for regional economic growth; Rigorously communicate strategy to increase awareness of the benefits of a collaborative body across the region; Ensure a wholistic approach to economic development policy by incorporating diverse interests of private and public sectors in order to create sound and sustainable development projects.

Scope of the GLPC Scope: Only organizations directly related to regional economic transformation Stakeholder Analysis: Government: federal, state, provincial, municipal Private Sector: regional, industry, sectoral organizations (e.g., council of great lakes industries)

Evaluation Criteria Impact Assessment o Breadth and depth of involvement o Strengths and weaknesses of each intensity level o Likelihood of achievement of stated objectives o Length to realization/timeline o Scalability Cost-Benefit Analysis Risk Assessment o Level of risk o Risk impact

Option One: Low-Medium Convenor and Connector: Identify technology researchers, relevant businesses and civil groups, connect them with financial and collaborative opportunities Inventory public, private and government stakeholders Develop communications plan Launch web portal Host annual expo Develop a knowledge translation framework Develop networks for ongoing collaboration including virtual

Option Two: Medium-High Convenor, Connector and Facilitator: Foster joint ventures, ensure cooperation between businesses, governments, and thought-leaders Structure the environment for active dialogue Develop local and regional communication plan Mediate and facilitate implementation via working groups Educate government actors; advocate for GLPC stakeholders Provide technical assistance for strategic planning, governance and implementation

Option Three: Status Quo Do not move forward with efforts to establish GLPC. Efforts continue without coordination Limited knowledge sharing Rely on stakeholders to collaborate, convene and engage government No formal accountability

Costs & Benefits We considered, assuming voluntary participation... Costs Conference costs, cash prize incentives, operation overhead, consultancy and advocacy. Benefits: Value of successful ventures created through the establishment of the GLPC and subsequent conventions. Benefit to Cost Ratios*: Status Quo: 0 Low-Medium: 3.7 Medium-High: 2.8 *Note: significant unquantified benefits exist.

Risks Status Quo: Accelerated stagnation of economic base Low-Medium: Increased risk of non-viable ventures coming out of the conference Low visibility (people are unaware and unable to see what comes of it) Ventures fail because they run into border issues Who will actually come and will they collaborate? Medium-High: Risk of failure of the incubated industries Delayed benefits

Comparison Summary OptionStatus QuoLow-Medium Footprint Medium-High Footprint CBA RisksPotential for accelerated decline Reduced likelihood of venture success Higher up-front commitment, longer lag increases chance of cut-off without results Foundation for future coordination --LimitedBroad, well- developed Time lag for impact--Short-termMedium-term Future Flexibility--Expansion of activity, mandate possible Difficult to reduce efforts, scale once established

Recommended Option Recommended option: Low-medium approach Deciding Factors: Lower risk; better venue for a new initiative Includes various learning opportunities before potentially expanding Lower political risk in terms of funding o Providing a lower level of funding and having the opportunity to “test” the project First step towards building momentum and public and private support Potential for early wins (i.e. conferences)

Risks and Mitigation Strategies Risks: Accountability and relevancy Momentum Private sector mobilization Mitigation: Positive perception of the federal government for showing a vested interest in and support of the region Emphasize small wins Positive development and the correct communications strategy from the GLPC Small/local businesses are eager for action so there is the opportunity to start there in order to build momentum

Implementation Plan

Government and Oversight

Accountability Operations o Board of Directors oversight for Executive Director o Elected and appointed representation o GLPC Advisory Council o Forum for stakeholder engagement Funding o Required grant reporting o Output measures o Return on Investment

Communication Strategy/Messaging Internal Communication Messaging to membership: Maintain consistent reciprocal communication of GLPC initiatives and opportunities Outward Communication Messaging to potential members: Promote benefits of membership such as direction-setting, involvement, coordination Messaging to specific industry, sector, organizational, institutional stakeholders: Promote value of stakeholder interest, engagement, involvement in GLPC’s agenda Broader public messaging: Importance of supporting GLPC’s efforts for the sustainability and prosperity of the GLSLR
