How to Access GEF Financing & The GEF Secretariat New Agency Training May 2015 Dr. Yasemin Biro-Kirtman Senior Environmental Specialist - GEFPPO
GEF Financing The objective of GEF financing is to provide resources to recipient countries to meet the agreed incremental cost of activities that generate global environmental benefits (GEBs) in line with the mandate of the GEF. The GEF funds a broad array of project types that vary depending on the scale of GEF resources, the project needs and the issue addressed. In order to be approved, each project follows a specific project cycle. The GEF manages GEF Trust Fund, Least Development Countries Fund (LDCF), Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) & Nagoya Protocol Implementation Fund (NPIF). 2
Who can apply? Each GEF country member has designated an officer responsible for GEF activities, known as GEF Operational Focal Point (OFP), who plays a key role in assuring that GEF projects are aligned to meet the needs and priorities of the respective country. A GEF country member government, any eligible individual or group may propose a project through the OFP.
Eligibility of Project Proposal In order to be considered for GEF financing, a project proposal has to fulfill the following criteria: It is undertaken in an eligible country and is consistent with country’s national priorities and programs. It addresses one or more of the GEF Focal Areas, improving the global environment or advance the prospect of reducing risks to it. It is consistent with the GEF operational strategy. It seeks GEF financing only for the agreed incremental costs on measures to achieve global environmental benefits. It is endorsed by the government(s) of the country/ies in which it will be implemented.
GEF Project Types Full-sized Projects (FSPs) Over $2 million - FSP concepts are approved by the GEF Council. After 18 months of preparation, a fully developed FSP is endorsed by the GEF CEO for subsequent approval by the GEF Partner Agency to start project implementation. Medium-sized Projects (MSPs) Up to US $2 million – MSP approval is delegated by the Council to the CEO. Following CEO approval, the MSP is approved by the GEF Partner Agency to start project implementation. Enabling Activities (EAs) Up to $1 million – EAs fulfill essential communication requirements of recipient countries to various conventions, providing a basic level of information to enable policy and strategic decisions to be made or assisting planning that identifies priority activities within a country. Approval of EAs has been delegated by the GEF Council to the GEF CEO and funds can be accessed directly by the country or through a GEF Agency. (EAs that go beyond their funding threshold are considered non-expedited, and would then follow the procedures for processing full-sized projects.) Programmatic Approach (PA) Pas represent a partnership between country/ies, the GEF and other interested stakeholders, such as the private sector, donors and/or the scientific community. This approach sets aside larger financing to secure larger- scale and sustainable impact on the global environment, than a single FSP or MSP, through integrating global environmental objectives into national or regional strategies and plans using partnerships. A program works in a sequenced manner through several projects within it, to foster increased horizontal and vertical integration of global environmental issues into the country(ies’) or region’s development agenda. Programmatic approaches are approved by the GEF Council. Small Grants Program (SGP) Up to $ 50,000 – SGP is a GEF corporate program being implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on behalf of the GEF partnership, and is executed by the United Nations Office for Project Services. Small grant projects are given to non-governmental organizations in developing countries for community-based projects to demonstrate and achieve more sustainable livelihoods while achieving global environmental benefits.
Accessing the GEF Trust Fund T RADITIONAL M ODE Project concepts may be developed by governments, non- governmental organizations, communities, private sector, or other civil society entities, and must respond to both national priorities and GEF focal area/LDCF/SCCF strategies and objectives, and must satisfy eligibility requirements under the Conventions. Project proponents work closely with national GEF Operational Focal Points (who formally endorse project concepts) and the GEF Agency, to develop concepts and move through the project cycle and are approved either by the GEF Council or the GEF CEO, depending on the type of project. D IRECT A CCESS M ODE Project proponents work directly with the GEF Secretariat without going through a GEF Agency; projects follow the same project eligibility criteria and focal area strategic objectives.
GEF Direct Access New initiative approved by the GEF Council in its June 2010 meeting. The idea behind this initiative was in response to country request to improve country ownership, country drivenness and capacity building. Countries can access GEF resources directly from the GEF Secretariat without going through a GEF Agency. Two types of activities are eligible for direct access: a) Preparation of a National Portfolio Formulation Document b) Preparation of Reports to Conventions where the country has as an obligation to the various environmental conventions. Reports to Conventions are supported in the following focal areas: a) Biodiversity: National Reports/update of NBSAP b) Climate Change: National Communications c) POPs: National Implementation Plan d) Land Degradation: LD Enabling Activities
GEF Secretariat -Based in Washington, D.C. -Reports directly to the GEF Council and Assembly, ensuring that their decisions are translated into effective policies, programs and actions on the ground. -Coordinates the formulation of GEF projects to be included in work programs, reviews proposals for eligibility and technical clearance, oversees their implementation, and makes certain that operational strategies and policies are followed. -Tracks implementation performance of and results from the GEF portfolio. -Undertakes capacity building and outreach activities in recipient countries. -Facilitates the replenishment for the GEF funds. -As a financial mechanism of many international environmental conventions, reports to a number of COPs on progress made.
What does GEFSEC do? GEF Assembly & Council Implement the decisions of Assembly & Council Implement the operational policies adopted by Council through preparing guidelines and procedures for GEF stakeholders such as GEF Agencies Prepare policy & strategy papers for Council consideration and approval Coordinate formulation & implementation of work programs for Council approval Undertake organization of Council and Assembly meetings Coordinate the replenishment process for the GEF Trust Fund Partner Agencies Convene Interagency Group Meetings to ensure effective execution of Council decisions and collaboration among Implementing Agencies 3
What does GEFSEC do? GEF Project Cycle Prepare guidelines related to project identification, development, consultation w/stakeholders & monitoring of project implementation Conduct technical reviews of project proposals Maintain a database of GEF financed projects Coordinate the Annual Monitoring Review and other RBM activities Coordinate with GEF EO and STAP on program issues, knowledge management and administrative matters Coordination & Outreach Coordinate with the Secretariats of other relevant bodies (i.e., UNFCCC, CBD) Follow and report to Conventions of which the GEF is the financial mechanism Provide information/support to GEF Focal Points in recipient countries Manage communication w/donors, recipients & other GEF stakeholders (i.e., CSOs) Collaborate with Trustee to ensure transfer of GEF funds to projects Maintain GEF website and prepare GEF publications 4
GEF Secretariat CEO Naoko Ishii Policy, Partnerships and Operations Elwyn Grainger Jones Programming Gustavo Fonseca Front Office Peter Lallas
GEF PPO – Policy, Partnerships and Operations Director: Elwyn Grainger Jones + Deputy Manager (TBD) Partnership and Resource Mobilization: Pilar Barrera Rey Country Relations: William Ehlers Policy and Strategy: Andrew Velthaus Operations: Henry Salazar Results Based Management (TBD) Knowledge Management: Yasemin Biro- Kirtman Information Technology: Deepak Kataria Gender & Social Issues: Yoko Watanabe
GEF Secretariat GEFSEC:73 full-time staff members (40 female, 33 male) from 38 countries GEFIEO: 18 full-time staff members (9 female, 9 male) from 13 countries
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