Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 New Perspectives on Early Childhood Special Education Curriculum and Practices Presented by: Dillon Henry SEEDS Project, Core Consultant Orange County Department of Education, Special Education Coordinator ______ SEACO Meeting Special Education Administrators of County Offices March 17, 2005 San Diego, CA
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Purpose To examine trends in Early Childhood Education (ECE) that are influencing Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) To analyze the influences of NCLB and IDEA 2004 on Early Childhood Special Education (Part B) To identify compatible Standards and Accountability in ECE and ECSE To explore guidelines for Best Practice
Trends in Early Childhood Education (ECE) No Child Left Behind Universal Preschool Initiatives School Readiness Initiatives
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Trends in Early Childhood Education (ECE) No Child Left Behind All children ready for school - preschool experience as prevention/early intervention for high risk populations (poverty, ethnicity, ELL) Evidence-based/Research-based Best Practice Access to core curriculum: pre-literacy & numeracy Standards and accountability
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Trends in Early Childhood Education (ECE) Universal Preschool Initiative* Preschool as tool for closing the achievement gap for poor, minority, ELL Develop high-quality pre-K content standards Build a first-class professional learning system for preschool teachers. Implement a results-based accountability system. Create seamless transitions from pre-K to kindergarten and first grade. Involve all stakeholders in the learning process. * Ca. Dept. of Education:
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Trends in Early Childhood Education (ECE) School Readiness Initiatives: 5 Essential and Coordinated Elements* Early Care and Education Parenting and Family Support Services Health and Social Services Schools Readiness for Children/School Capacity Program Infrastructure, Administration and Evaluation * First 5 California:
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Trends in Early Childhood Education (ECE) *Influences on ECSE? * Don Bailey, Ph.D What Can Universal Preschool Learn from Special Education?, Foundation for Child Development, May Allows ECSE service delivery within the larger system of services Fulfillment of LRE and FAPE provisions Continuum of placement options ECSE curriculum and service delivery with a focus on school readiness goals ECSE partnerships with public and NPAs Based on needs of child/family/community Culturally/linguistically responsive
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 IDEA and No Child Left Behind The law requires that preschool age children with disabilities be educated in regular preschool programs to the maximum extent appropriate. One of the primary purposes of special education is to enable children with disabilities to be educated to the same standards that we expect for all children. The IEP is intended to address goals, objectives and services that will enable the child to be involved in and progress in the general curriculum.
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 IDEA and No Child Left Behind Reauthorization of IDEA 2004 Preschool-Part B Performance goals & indicators: Measurable annual progress including academic, developmental, and functional indicators Participation in state and district-wide assessment programs including literacy and numeracy (or alternate assessments) Permissive use of Part B $$ for coordinated early intervening services for K-3, alligned with NCLB Permissive identification of Specific Learning Disability through diagnostic teaching (versus discrepancy model)
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 IDEA and No Child Left Behind Reauthorization of IDEA 2004 Infants/Toddlers – Part C (Effective 7/1/05) US Dept. of Education draft regulations pending …program shall include an educational component that promotes school readiness and incorporates pre-literacy, language, and numeracy skills… (Sec. 632(5)(B)(ii)) Outreach to homeless and wards of the state Practices based on peer-reviewed research
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Compatible Standards and Accountability in ECE and ECSE Standards CDE, Child Development Division (CDD) Prekindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines (CDE Publication, 2000) Preschool Standards (due Spring 2005) Curriculum Frameworks (to be developed) Accountability CDE, CDD & Special Education Division Desired Results Developmental Profile SED -Desired Results-Access (due fall 2005) IEP/IFSP goals: Access to core curriculum
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Compatible Standards and Accountability in ECE and ECSE California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN) Funding from CDE Child Development and Special Education Divisions Administered by CCSESA Calif.County Superintendents Educational Services Association Contract with Sacramento County Office of Ed. 11 CCSESA Regions with designated regional LEA Staff: Regional Lead & Special Education Specialist
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Compatible Standards and Accountability in ECE and ECSE Purpose of CPIN: Leadership/coordination with school readiness programs Professional development on instructional standards for preschool Focus for Years 1-2 Literacy, Years 3-4 Numeracy Training & support for LEA, private, state/fed. funded preschool, Head Start, etc.
Guidelines for Best Practice Compatibility of ECE and ECSE Considerations for children with moderate-severe disabilities Inclusive strategies Resources for program development and evaluation
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Guidelines for Best Practice ECE and ECSE share compatible foundations... Developmental theory and models Developmentally appropriate practices Individually appropriate practices Child outcomes Independence/self-help Cognitive/problem-solving Communication/language Social-emotional competence
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Guidelines for Best Practice Children with moderate-severe disabilities Appropriate goals/objectives Developmental milestones in all domains Amelioration of disability impacts Active engagement: self-initiation and relationships Adaptations Materials and activities Assistive technology Modifications to activities Approximations Participation
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Guidelines for Best Practice Inclusive strategies for children with moderate-severe disabilities Peers: observation, imitation, interaction Play as a natural form of engagement Mediation by adults and peers Control of variables: environment, stimuli, reinforcement Transdisciplinary teaming and planning
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Guidelines for Best Practice Resources: Division of Early Childhood, Council for Exceptional Children DEC Recommended Practices in Early Intervention/ECSE Program Assessment tool Video: Selected Strategies for Teaching…
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 DEC Recommended Practices in EI/ECSE Recommended Practices: Assessment Child-Focused Interventions Family-Based Practices Interdisciplinary Models Technology Applications Policies, Practice, and Systems Change Personnel Preparation
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Guidelines for Best Practice Resources: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Education
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Guidelines for Best Practice Resources: Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition
Dillon Henry, SEACO/SEEDS 3/17/05, rev. 3/31/05 Conclusion Trends Public education is PreK-Grade 12+ ECSE practices within a broader system of early care/education (public & private) COEs are in a leadership position Promote range of ECSE program/service options Comprehensive plan for staff development Promote collaborations beyond the education system Partnership with agencies outside LEA Health, mental health, EC care and education network