Animal Research Project The final project will be a major grade. Multiple daily grades will taken through out the process of creating project.
Day 1 Class discuss what a research project is.. How to narrow down a topic Items needed to be included in project Expectations for project Pick animal want to research – Write brief explanation of which animal and why
Items to be covered in the project: Name of animal (full species name and common name) Type of animal (mammal, reptile, ect…) Description of animal appearance (include picture) Location where they are found in the world Overall estimated population
Items covered Continued… Are they endangered, protected or not Type Biome they live in (include Picture) Food chain / web (include picture) Reproduction (# of young, time of year born) Adaptations 2 unique facts about this animal
Items to be Turned In… Folder with research notes, bib cards and so forth First / Rough / Final Draft of research paper Poster (place where pictures will be used)
Materials Needed… Notebook paper Folder to keep items together during research Pen/pencil Index cards Poster board Colors Colored paper Printer paper if use computer for Pictures Scissors / glue / ruler (items to make poster)