E. Napp The Industrial Revolution In this lesson, students will be able to define or explain the following terms: Reasons for the Industrial Revolution.


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Presentation transcript:

E. Napp The Industrial Revolution In this lesson, students will be able to define or explain the following terms: Reasons for the Industrial Revolution The Domestic System Urbanization Laissez-faire Capitalism

E. Napp The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1750s. It quickly spread to Europe and the United States.

E. Napp Great Britain had many harbors and rivers, as well as coal. It had a good location for trade.

E. Napp Great Britain had a vast colonial empire. This empire brought raw materials to her ports. Cheap raw materials fueled industrialization.

E. Napp The British middle class promoted trade and industrialization. They invested capital in manufacturing.

E. Napp Great Britain had good transportation and communication systems. Canals, postal service, newspapers, and the world’s most powerful navy helped industrialization.

E. Napp Before the Industrial Revolution, weavers and craftsmen worked at home. This was known as the domestic system.

E. Napp Inventions also helped industrialization. The spinning jenny allowed one person to spin six or seven threads at once.

E. Napp James Watt’s improved steam engine made steam power available for mechanical purposes. Steam power could drive many machines.

E. Napp Workers were placed together in factories. Early factories were often unsafe places to work. Workers worked long hours and received low wages.

E. Napp Urbanization occurred. Large numbers of workers moved from the countryside to cities.

E. Napp The first railroads were created in the early 1830s. Railroads linked cities, factories, towns, and rural areas.

E. Napp A new middle class of capitalists emerged. They developed laissez-faire capitalism or a free market where the government does not intervene in the market.

E. Napp Questions for Reflection: What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution? How did the domestic system differ from the factory system? What is urbanization and what were the effects of urbanization? Define laissez-faire capitalism. What were the advantages and disadvantages of industrialization?