Do the benefits of industrialisation outweigh the Public Health dangers? What were the effects on people’s health of the changing industrial towns? What were the main features of industrial towns? What is an industrial town?
Prestructural: The point or concept has not been understood. The student may have a number of unconnected ideas but cannot distinguish relevance. Unistructural: One relevant idea is explained. Can separate relevant from non-relevant ideas. May be a couple of simple and obvious connections but their significance isn’t grasped. Multistructural: Several relevant ideas on the topic. Several connections may be made but their significance to the whole isn’t grasped. Relational: Understands and explains complex relationships related to the idea or concept. Understands relationship of parts to the whole. Extended Abstract: Shows profound understanding. Transfer takes place. Makes new connections. Can apply to wider contexts and new applications.
Which of these is an Industrial town? Why?
What is life like in 1750?
What is life like in 1850?
What is life like in 1900?
Population Work Transport Politics Health Education Britain What changed between 1750 and 1900?
Do the benefits of industrialisation outweigh the Public Health dangers? What were the effects on people’s health of the changing industrial towns? What were the main features of industrial towns? What is an industrial town?
Industrialisation affected medicine in many ways. Communications developed, allowing ideas to be exchanged more quickly. Both the telegraph and the railways developed during this time. Wars with France and in the Crimea led to improved surgical procedures and nursing care. New factories and better technology could produce more sophisticated medical implements, such as fine syringe needles, or powerful lenses for microscopes. How did industrialisation affect medicine?
Progress in science led to many medical discoveries which were beyond understanding before. Doctors moved away from Galen’s ideas and looked for scientific reasons for illness. Industrial towns were overcrowded and people lived in cramped, quickly-built, poor-quality housing. Health was badly affected as infectious diseases spread rapidly. Another important effect of industrialisation was that many people moved to towns to work. Scientific progress, social problems
Industrial Medicine Key Words AnatomyEpidemicIndustrial Industrial Revolution Inoculation Miasma Patent Medicine Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Industry Physiology Spontaneous Generation Vaccination
What was health like in the Industrial revolution? lNk lNk
Why did these diseases become enormous problems in the new industrial towns? Housing was overcrowded (often 10 people in one room) and often damp. There was little sanitation. Lack of fresh water – water was often contaminated with sewage. Poor diet, pollution and long working hours in factories weakened people’s resistance to diseases. Why don’t people in Britain suffer from these diseases today? Why did disease flourish in industrial towns?
Do the benefits of industrialisation outweigh the Public Health dangers? What were the effects on people’s health of the changing industrial towns? What were the main features of industrial towns? What is an industrial town?
Louis Pasteur had discovered the link between germs and disease. Diseases such as smallpox could be prevented by vaccination. Surgical operations improved with the development of anaesthetics and antiseptics. Public Health Acts forced local authorities to clean up their towns, supply clean water and build proper sewers, making them safer and healthier places to live. Great advances had been made in medicine and science in the second half of the 19th century: Health in 1900
How did working conditions effect people’s health in the 19 th Century? u_Q&feature=PlayList&p=866CE3CAA2AE0D6 E&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=3 u_Q&feature=PlayList&p=866CE3CAA2AE0D6 E&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=3
Do the benefits of industrialisation outweigh the Public Health dangers? What were the effects on people’s health of the changing industrial towns? What were the main features of industrial towns? What is an industrial town?
Do the benefits of industrialisation outweigh the Public Health dangers? Yes it did because…No it didn’t because… Overall I think that…
Do the benefits of industrialisation outweigh the Public Health dangers? What were the effects on people’s health of the changing industrial towns? What were the main features of industrial towns? What is an industrial town?