Research Integrity (Including Ethics) Director of Research Integrity Rebecca Halligan
ANIMAL ETHICS ALL WORK INVOLVING THE USE OF ANIMALS FOR “SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES” INCLUDING RESEARCH AND TEACHING MUST HAVE APPROVAL LEGISLATION Responsibilities outlined in The Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes, 7 th Edition (2004) In NSW, the Code is incorporated within the NSW Animal Research Act 1985 and Animal Research Regulation 2005) THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY ANIMAL ETHICS COMMITTEE (USYD AEC) Approval to use animals is obtained by applying to the USYD AEC. The AEC’s role is to review, approve (as appropriate) and monitor projects involving animals. The research proposed must be justified and apply principles of 3Rs To apply, complete AEC Application on the website: ROLE OF INVESTIGATOR Ultimately it is the investigator who is responsible for all matters related to the welfare of the animals and Section of the Code states: “Investigators and teachers have personal responsibility for all matters related to the welfare of the animals they use and must act in accordance with all aspects of the Code. This responsibility begins when an animal is allocated to a project and ends with its fate at the completion of the project.” 2 FURTHER INFORMATION : Dr Lucie Nedved Animal Welfare Manager Phone: Animal Ethics Infolink
HUMAN ETHICS The University of Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee website National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research AIATSIS: The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies 3 RESEARCH INVOLVING HUMAN PARTICIPANTS
RESEARCH INTEGRITY AND MISCONDUCT University Policy: The Code of Conduct for Responsible Research Practice and Guidelines for dealing with Allegations of Research Misconduct Research Integrity Complaints: Management, investigations and advice. Research misconduct (data falsification, plagiarism etc) Breaches of ethics approval Authorship issues Other research related matters 4