Chapter 24-25 Preview The Economic Development of the US in the late 1800s. Industrialization Technological Innovation Rise of Big Business Labor vs. Capital.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Preview The Economic Development of the US in the late 1800s. Industrialization Technological Innovation Rise of Big Business Labor vs. Capital Immigration Urbanization

Industrialization What is it? Review the 3 stages 1)Work subdivided into tasks 2)Workers gathered into factories 3)Power-driven machinery used

During the 2 nd Industrial Revolution… Mass production of consumer goods (including food and drink, clothing and transport and even entertainment with the early cinema, radio and phonograph) developed at this time. Several important developments within the chemical, electrical, petroleum, and steel industries also took place.

Technological Innovation Railroad Expansion Harnessing of Electricity Electric Light Telephone Steel

Harnessing Electricity Edison Opens First Commercial Power Plant in 1882 Westinghouse markets alternating current which helps transport electricity more efficiently The age of the electric appliance has arrived

Electric Light


Steel The Bessemer process allowed iron to be transformed into steel which was lighter and stronger— an ideal building material.

Rise of Big Business Today 200 giant corporations now control over a quarter of the world’s economic activity. This trend began in the late 1800s. Since that time, the trend has been toward larger and more powerful corporations

Why did businesses get bigger?

How did business get bigger?

What were the effects of this new age of industrialization & big business?

The Rise of Labor Unions

What did unions want? How did they try to get it? Why did business owners oppose them? What advantages did the opponents of unions have?

Immigration Some basic questions: How many came? Where did they come from? Why did they come? What were the effects of large scale immigration?

Why did they come? Push Factors Famine Poverty War Religious persecution Dictatorship Separation from family Pull Factors Land of opportunity Freedom Family reunification Relative peace


Urbanization statistics: Between 1860 and 1910, the US urban population increased 7-fold In 1920, for the first time, a majority of Americans lived in cities. In 1860 there were 16 cities of more than 50,000. By 1900, there were 76.

What were the results of rapid urbanization?

The Problems Cities Faced Lack of decent, affordable housing Poverty Poor sanitation, pollution, & disease Political corruption & incompetence Transportation Fire Crime

Conclusion: What does it all mean? Good Stuff Improved standard of living Cheaper consumer goods Job opportunities Bad Stuff Poor working conditions Overcrowded cities Pollution Class conflict