Mobile devices used in the exploration
Google Skweezer No-brainer solution – Mobile Web Proxy
OJS Goes Mobile No-brainer solution – Mobile Web Proxy Merits : they are good enough to browse HTML pages they supports frame user can even logon to OJS Concerns : fails to open file type such as PDF, MS Word, MP3 and Elliminate. not all proxy support Javascript (Google does, Skweezer does not) confidentiality long term availability of the services
OJS Goes Mobile Mobile Plugin for OJS
Potential problems to mobile users
Our Approach to OJS Mobile Friendliness "One Web" with different views by changing the presentation on server side, utilizing OJS plugin architecture.
Our Approach to OJS Mobile Friendliness "One Web" with different views by changing the presentation on server side, utilizing OJS plugin architecture. Same URL Same website One installation Same content "One Web"
Our Approach to OJS Mobile Friendliness "One Web" with different views by changing the presentation on server side, utilizing OJS plugin architecture. Same URL Same website One installation Same content “Different views"
Our Approach to OJS Mobile Friendliness "One Web" with different views by changing the presentation on server side, utilizing OJS plugin architecture. “Server side“ vs “Client side”
References W3C Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 (W3C proposed recommendation 2 Nov 2006) Global Authoring Practices for the Mobile Web Composite Capabilities / Preference Profiles and User Agent Profile Tutorial about Detecting User Agent Types and Client Device Capabilities Comparing Mobile Internet User Behaviours in Beijing EC/Presentation/Grassel-Roto-Comparing-Mobile-Internet-User-Behaviours-in-Beijing-2.html#(1) Ultra Mobile PC in Education