Executive Requirements Must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA or better, and a 2.0 GPA or better for Spring 2010 Chair must have a cumulative 2.25, and spring 2010 GPA of 2.25 Graduate Students: 3.0 GPA Must be enrolled and in good standing with the University. Must be taking at least 6 credit hours.
Executive Positions Chair Vice Chair Risk Management Director SEAL Director Whoopin’ Weekend Director Recruiting and Retainment Director Housing Coordinator MED Coordinator DG Coordinator Registration Coordinator Committee Operations Coordinator (formerly Outreach) You may apply for multiple positions within each set of interviews!
What do you do as Chair? Room Reservations Making meeting agendas Overseeing/supervising the exec team/committee Running executive meetings Organizing executive/ committee retreats Overseeing conference/recruiting preparations and assisting the conference/recruiting directors. Keeping an overall positive attitude and maintaining focus on the mission of ARC!
How do I apply for Chair? Applications will come out soon! They will be ed to the committee. If you are interested in chair, then feel free to contact me! I would gladly meet and talk to you about the benefits of being chair! Anyone can apply to be chair! You don’t have to have had previous executive experience to apply.
Vice Chair Responsible for all of ARC’s finances Paying for services/food/t-shirts, etc Taking care of dues and conference fees. Main contact between CC Creations and the committee! Orders t-shirts, nameplates, polos, etc. Assists wherever possible to chair. Works with the conference directors on conference budgets! No previous experience needed! ARC
Risk Management Director Committee training Emergency procedures Monitor conferences and events Properly deal with incidents Help solve problems that may occur Paperwork for conferences
Whoopin’ Weekend Director Come up with awesome, fantastic theme Create schedule of exciting events Plan/Reserve/Order: Rooms, Food, Permits, Surveys, Tickets, etc. Paperwork can be fun and easy if you make it Work with coordinators and university admin. closely Problem solve, encourage, and motivate execs and committee during conference Note: – Conference is usually a pretty quick turn-around in the spring…you should plan your semester accordingly
SEAL Director Breakdown Main Objective: – Navigate from start to finish a conference for 100 high school seniors Responsibilities: – Reserve rooms – Create Schedules (Ex: Conference Schedule, Exec Schedule, Performance Group Schedule etc…) – Handle Meals – Delegate Responsibilities among Exec Team (Advising, Classes, College Fair, etc…) – Coordinator Status Updates – Assist in interacting with Parents Time Commitment: – Varies, if you get things done early you never have to rush – I personally did not spend much time in the cube (handled things remotely)
Housing Coordinator Pre Conference: – Recruit hosts! – Train hosts – Assign participants to dorm rooms – Lead the housing subco – Develop a housing plan During Conference: – Be in charge of the luggage – Deal with any housing emergencies – Handle dismissal and morning gatherings
Music & Food
Performance Groups & Skits
DG Coordinator BEFORE CONFERENCE: train DG leaders and prepare materials for conference DURING CONFERENCE: help conference director, oversee DG times, organize dismissals, oversee role checks, answer questions
Registration Coordinator Registration for the conferences Checking , messages, and the mailbox Aid the subco in call-to-confirm, check-in and check-out of the conference Do other paperwork that will need to be completed before conference Work with the other coordinators on the Masterlist for conference Work closely with all the exec team, have tons of fun, and make great lasting friendships
Recruitment and Retainment Director Responsible for organizing winter recruiting tohigh schools Main contact for advising and departmentspeakers (Housing, Financial Aid…) New responsibilities include organizing OpenHouse table/ focusing on member retainment.
Recruitment and Retainment Keep track of attendance Update member contact lists Prepare the presentation for every meeting Make nametags for conferences Update website
Committee Operations Coordinator Organizes social events and intramurals – Ex: Campouts, CoRec Basketball, Fitz’s Dinners In charge of Public Relations – Banners, ads, table tents, promotional items Also heads up Philanthropy sector – Big Event/Relay for Life Be creative!
Application Tips Application will consist of several questions. Answers should convey the following: Your personal experience and qualification for the job that you are applying Your vision for ARC and the exec team next year (improvements included) Your passion for Texas A&M, ARC and what we do A good application will combine all of the above!
Interview Tips Interviews and applications are both required to apply for an executive position. Interviews are business casual. Arrive early! Talk slowly, think about the question before you answer, and relax. Show your enthusiasm for ARC, display your knowledge of the organization, and share your vision for your position, the exec team as a whole, and ARC for the next year.
Application Info Chair applications will come out this week, and will be due after spring break. After a new chair is picked, the new chair will create and release applications for directors and coordinators. Applications will be ed out over the listserv, so check your s! Read the applications in their entirety. They will include directions on where to turn them in and by when. GOOD LUCK!