SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU October 2013 WSC Rules Presentation 1 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance
Opening Thought This summer, members of the NCAA staff told a room full of compliance professionals that current legislation is not well-equipped to deal with the rapidly changing field of social media. NCAA staff also stated that all guidelines that follow in this presentation could change if Facebook or Twitter add a new function. Translation: This information is the best we have for now; if anything changes, I’ll let you know ASAP. Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 2
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU October 2013 WSC Rules Presentation Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 3 Definition of Terms
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Telephone Call Defined (Bylaw ) All electronically transmitted voice exchanges Includes video conferencing and video phones Skype and FaceTime communication is considered a telephone call Prospective Student-Athlete ( ; ) Started classes in ninth grade, or Enrolled full-time in two or four-year institution Need permission to speak to any four-year PSA if currently enrolled or within last year, even if not currently on a team ( ) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 4
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Question: Would it be permissible for a coach to FaceTime with a basketball PSA while he/she demonstrates his/her shooting technique? Answer: No. Demonstration of athletics ability is an impermissible tryout. Institutions may only conduct tryouts at their regular practice/ competition facility (Bylaws & 13.11) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 5
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Electronic Transmission Continued Communication must be private between recipient and sender. Mass messages? If no recipient is aware that is it a mass message, then it is permissible (Translation: BCC’s) When can communication become public? Only after the PSA OFFICIALLY commits to WSC (i.e., signs a valid NLI or WSC Preferred Walk-On Agreement that is verified by Compliance) Bylaw Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 6
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU October 2013 WSC Rules Presentation Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 7 Publicity
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Prior To Signing We may only comment publicly to the extent of confirming recruitment It is permissible for a PSA’s name and/or picture to appear on an athletics department staff member’s profile page of a social networking website to identify the PSA as a “friend” of the athletics department staff member. In English: On Facebook, it is okay for it to show up on your timeline that you and a PSA are now friends Please note that this applies only to PSA’s that are old enough for you to communicate with electronically (i.e., beginning on June 15 prior to the PSA’s junior year of high school, or four-year transfers we have received permission to speak to) Bylaws & Educational Column (11/19/08) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 8
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Posting of Camp Photos Involving PSA’s Constitutes publicity regarding a PSA’s visit to the institution’s campus and is impermissible Internet Webcasts and Legislation Regarding Radio/Television Programming WSC is not permitted to allow a PSA, a high school, prep school or two-year college coach to appear, be interviewed or otherwise be involved (in person or via film, audio tape or videotape) on: a radio or television program conducted by a WSC coach a program in which a WSC coach is participating a program in which a WSC staff member has arranged for the appearance of the PSA or coach or related program material Bylaws & Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 9
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Scrimmages – Official Scoring In order to exempt a scrimmage, it must be conducted without official scoring If either institution reports a scrimmage score via social media, it constitutes official scoring and the contest may not be exempted by either institution Encourage SA’s not to release scrimmage scores via social media WSC is responsible for determining the source of the score if it appears in the media Bylaw 17 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 10
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU October 2013 WSC Rules Presentation Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 11 Promotional Activities
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Participation in Promotional Activities Written approval (developing pre-approval form for this) No co-sponsorship, advertising or promotion No missed class time Money goes directly to institution, conference, charitable, educational of non-profit organization Actual and necessary expenses are permitted SA’s not used to promote commercial ventures Sale of commercial items controlled Signed release for use of SA’s name, image of appearance New point of emphasis on this within NSIC membership Bylaw Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 12
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Promotions Involving Commercial Locations/Sponsors Fundraising activities can occur at the establishment provided: Not a cosponsor of the event SA’s do not promote the sale of commercial product A commercial establishment becomes a co-sponsor if: It advertises the presence of SA’s; or Is involved in promoting the activity (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, etc.) Bylaw Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 13
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Institutional Owned Camp Advertising WSC is permitted to use the name or picture of any SA employed as a counselor, or any SA from WSC to publicize or promote the camp, including the use of the SA’s name or picture in camp brochures or other advertising Bylaw Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 14
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU October 2013 WSC Rules Presentation Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 15 Real World Situations
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Facebook Permissible activities Friending a PSA (as long as they are of age) Private Messages (i.e., the “Live Chat/Instant Message” function) Once they have officially signed, then all activities are okay Impermissible activities Posting a message on a PSA’s page Commenting on a PSA’s status Liking a PSA’s status Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 16
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Twitter Permissible activities Following any PSA (no age restriction) Communicating via Direct Message (assuming the PSA is old enough) Effective 10/15/13, Twitter is now allowing users to opt to receive Direct Messages without each user having to follow the other Once they have officially signed, then all activities are okay Making generic comments not specific to any recruit (i.e., “Today was a great day for Wildcat Volleyball!!!” or “Off to Omaha to find some future Wildcats.”) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 17
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Twitter Continued Impermissible activities Tweeting at the PSA Replying to a PSA’s Tweet Including the PSA’s Twitter handle in one of your tweets Retweeting anything (i.e., link to story, Twitter handle, etc.) directly pertaining to the PSA Favoriting a tweet by the PSA Listing a specific location in regards to recruiting (i.e., “Looking forward to going to the Pierce game tonight!”) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 18
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Instagram Permissible activities Same concepts as Twitter Once they have officially signed, then all activities are okay Impermissible activities Same concepts as Twitter, plus “Schools cannot alter the content of photos – and [the NCAA] does not consider Instagram’s filters as content alteration – and them them directly to recruits.” – NCAA Statement 10/11/2 Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 19
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Social Media Violations - Twitter 8/5/13 – SA used name and status as a student-athlete to promote his Herbalife distributor (business is okay; not promoting as a SA) 7/28/13 – Twitter CEO/Michigan booster replied to a PSA 6/25/13 – Current SA tweeted at a PSA who verbally committed to the institution, offering congratulations 6/14/13 – Texas A&M President tweeted a PSA 2/28/13 – Coach directed a current SA over Twitter to engage in recruiting activities for a PSA 2/1/13 – Football PSA’s tweeted photos of them posing while wearing jerseys during a recruiting visit Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 20
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Social Media Violations - Twitter 10/10/12 – Team thanked a booster on Twitter for picking up a team meal at a restaurant 9/25/12 – Coach accidently sent scholarship offers to several PSA’s via Twitter, instead of using Direct Message function 7/6/12 – SA posted an impermissible promotion for a commercial business on his personal blog that included codes for others to use when making purchases; SA was deemed ineligible until going through Reinstatement Process 1/27/12 – Current SA posted on Twitter the names of PSA’s who were recently on campus Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 21
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU October 2013 WSC Rules Presentation Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 22 Monitoring Tips
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU For compliance, NCAA has sent mixed messages 3/12/12 – North Carolina Football Committee on Infractions report suggested that school’s monitor student-athletes social media accounts only if reason to believe violations are occurring Since then, several cases have been cited where schools failed to monitor social medial accounts of student-athletes Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 23
SOCIAL MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY & YOU Best recommendation: use common sense If you do choose to interact with student- athletes on social media, you will be expected to report any questionable activities If you do not choose to interact with student- athletes on social media, per NCAA precedence, you still may be considered liable for information posted by your SA’s (i.e., ignorance is not bliss) Wayne State College Athletic Compliance 24