My Hero By: Zane
Some Character traits of My Hero He is responsible because he does things that need to be done. He is kind because he listens to people when they are talking and remembers every word they say. He is respectful because says kind things to people and does not talk when anyone else is talking. He is helpful because he helps people when they are in great need of help. He is patient because he waits till it is his turn to do anything.
What Do You Think A Hero Is? A hero is a person who gives of themselves freely, asking nothing in return.
Who Had The Most Impact On Your Life? His father-in-law Charles Court greatly influenced his life.
What Events In American History Do You Remember As The Most important of Your Life So Far? He remembers the Vietnam War very well. Many Americans protested the return of the soldiers who had been serving their country. It was such a disgrace.
Where Did You Grow Up and Go To School? My hero grew up in Texarkana and graduated from Liberty Eylau High school.
As A Child What Was Your Dream Job? My hero did not really have a dream job because he just wanted to be smart and to be a success in the business world.
Now That I Chose You As My Hero Do You Feel? He feels very humbled for me to choose him as my hero.
How Do You Handle Obstacles And Roadblocks? He handles obstacles and roadblocks very carefully. And hasty decisions can be very dangerous.
What Advice Would You Give Me For The Future? My hero says be yourself. Make the most of each day as it is offered to you. Set your goals high and do not let failure be a part in your vocabulary.
What Age Did You Start Military Service? My hero started military service at age 19.
Where Were You Stationed First In The Military? My hero was first stationed in Amarillo, Texas.
What Places Were You stationed The Time Of Your Service? My hero was stationed in Amarillo,Texas, Utipo, Thialand,Fairbanks, Arkansas, and in Burns Flat, Oklahoma.
What Was Your Favorite Subject In School? My hero favorite subject in school was History.
What Were Some Of Your Hobbies As A Kid Some of my hero’s hobbies were fishing and hunting.
What Sports Did You Play As A Kid? The sports that my hero played were basketball and baseball.
Did You Get Days Off From Chores? No, my hero did not get a day off from chores. He got up early and did chores so he could go to school.