THE 2013 SUNBELT EXPO MOBILE APP 1. Brought to you by: Platinum Sponsor
WHAT IS THE SUNBELT EXPO MOBILE APP? The Sunbelt Expo App is a highly visible method of putting information about North American’s Premier Farm® Show into the hands of your customers. It provides multiple links for visitors to contact exhibitors and receive notifications. Content that pertains to the Sunbelt Expo is available on this Interactive tool for all visitors to use before, during and after the show. A great tool to integrate your message, communicate and IMPRESS! Sunbelt Expo App Includes: Rotating banner ads that link to full- screen ads Custom text alerts to grab attendees’ attention Exhibitor calendar where attendees can schedule appointments to visit your booth Downloadable videos and PDF’s for your exhibitor profile Detailed metrics outlining how users interact with your content Daily alerts and breaking news before, during and after the show Interactive floor maps (linked) Seminar schedules Social media interaction 2.
STEP 1 – Download App Sunbelt Expo potential visitors are notified of the App via: Print ads in DFP and SEFP Links in DFP and SEFP e-newsletters s from DFP, SEFP and Penton Ag to our exclusive opt-in grower audience Ads on the DFP, SEFP and Sunbelt Expo website STEP 2 – Before the Expo Visitors are able to use the mobile app anytime or anyplace to view: Schedules Speakers Exhibitors Show-ground maps Twitter feeds USING THE SUNBELT EXPO APP…4 EASY STEPS 3.
STEP 3 – During the Expo Attendees use the mobile app to: Locate booths – search for companies Find Sessions – read about speakers Receive daily show news and announcements or call exhibitors Plan the day – schedule events Receive LIVE alerts from app sponsors STEP 4 – After the Expo Attendees: Obtain contact information for speakers, sponsors and exhibitors with instant links to websites Download brochures/videos Receive Expo related news updates Sponsors: Receive detailed metrics on how users interact with your content 4. USING THE SUNBELT EXPO APP…4 EASY STEPS
Sponsorship Benefits Your innovative leadership will be demonstrated Measured effectiveness - metrics that demonstrate customer involvement Farm Press multi-media promotions deliver high-tech exposure Extended visibility and promotion Visitors are compelled to visit your booth and website Enhances current communications and promotions 5.
Platinum Sponsor 6. LOGO Banner Ad LOGO BANNER AD Your logo on the Welcome Screen appears each time App is opened Banner Ad links to your website Logo on the “Map Page” Logo on the “Map Page” Exhibitor Page Enhancement with your logo, PDFs, brochures, videos etc. PLATINUM MARKETING ON THE SUNBELT EXPO APP $7,500 net Free full page, 4/c ad in the official Sunbelt Ag Expo program Your logo in all app ads on SEFP, DFP and Sunbelt Expo: Print * Website * Daily e-newsletters Your custom text alerts are pushed through the app (2x/day) Three (3) videos posted on your exhibitor profile Marketing Support
Gold Sponsor 7. Banner Ad LOGO BANNER AD Banner Ad on Dashboard links to your website. Banner Ad on Dashboard links to your website. Exhibitor Page Enhancement with your logo, PDFs, brochures, videos, etc. GOLD MARKETING ON THE SUNBELT EXPO APP $4,000 net Marketing Support 25% discount on ad in official Show program ( 1/2 pg, 4/c min) Your logo in all app ads on SEFP, DFP and Sunbelt Expo: Print * Website * Daily e-newsletters Your custom text alerts are pushed through the app (1x/day) Two (2) videos posted to you exhibitor profile
Silver Sponsor 8. LOGO Exhibitor Page Enhancement with your logo, PDFs, brochures, video etc. Silver Marketing on the App $1,500 net Marketing Support Your logo in all app ads on SEFP, DFP and Sunbelt Expo: Print * Website * Daily e-newsletters Your custom text alert is pushed through the app (1x) One (1) video posted on your exhibitor profile Exhibitor profile – ability to set appointments with attendees
Bronze Sponsor 9. LOGO Exhibitor Page Enhancement with your logo, PDFs, brochures, etc MARKETING ON SUNBELT EXPO APP $750 net
10. Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Logo on the Welcome Screen X Logo on Map page X Free Page 4C Ad in SUNBELT EXPO Official Program X Logo watermark on My Schedule Page X Ear ad in Southeast & Delta Farm Press Daily (26,400 recipients - 6x schedule) X Your customized text alerts pushed through the app 2/day1/day 1x App Banner Ad with link to your website – in 10 sec. rotation XX Logo in Farm Press Daily e-newsletter ads (26,400 recipients – 6x schedule) XX 25% discount on ad in Official Expo Program (minimum ad size - ½ page 4C) x Logo in Farm Press website ads promoting the App XX Exhibitor profile – ability to set appointments with attendees XX X Exhibitor Page Enhancement with your logo, pdfs, brochures, etc. XX X x Detailed post-Expo metrics report XX X x SPONSORSHIP INVESTMENT $7,500 net $4,000 net $1,500 net $750 net App Sponsorship Features
2012 S UNBELT A PP M ETRICS 11. Live ad Total Downloads: 9,206 Web: 5,290 Apple: 991 Blackberry: 2,318 Android: Sponsor Banner Ad clicks 12,126 Clicks on Exhibitors Tab 1,468 Exhibitors were Mapped 2,136 Exhibitors were Bookmarked 5,531 Visits to the Maps Tab 1,742 My Schedule Tab opened 924 Events added to My Schedule 1,947 Events List opened 895 Speaker Bio views 447 Visits to Twitter section 36.9 Average time reading Twitter
SPONSOR NAME: ___________________________________ 2. Check the box that applies: Platinum Sponsor: $ 7,500 net Gold Sponsor: $ 4,000 net Silver Sponsor:$ 1,500 net Bronze Sponsor:$ 750 net 3. BILLING INFORMATION (please check company or agency) ÿ Company Agency Contact Name: __________________________________________________ Contact Title: __________________________________________________ Company or Agency Name: ________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State/Zip: ________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Fax: ________________________ ________________________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________ 4. or Fax Completed Order Form to your Farm Press sales rep or : Debbie Gibbs ph fax SUNBELT EXPO 2013 APP SPONSORSHIP ORDER