Applying Stream Buffer Science to the Lake George Watershed Lake George Stream Corridor Management Stakeholder Meeting May 28, 2008
Unique Considerations in the Lake George Watershed Lake George as a Resource Lake George as a Resource Streams of the Lake George Watershed Streams of the Lake George Watershed Regulatory Environment Regulatory Environment Growth/ Land Use Growth/ Land Use Key Decisions Key Decisions
Lake George is an Exceptional Resource "...without comparison, the most beautiful water I ever saw..." Thomas Jefferson on Lake George, May 1791 Source:
Value of the Lake to the Community Fishing Fishing Unfiltered Water Supply Unfiltered Water Supply Tourism Tourism Water Clarity/ Recreation Water Clarity/ Recreation “…cool, crystal clear lakes–surrounded by towering mountains and miles upon miles of unspoiled wilderness.”
Streams of Lake George Lake George has 132 streams in its 230- square mile watershed. Lake George has 132 streams in its 230- square mile watershed. These streams are primarily very small, high quality, forested tributaries. These streams are primarily very small, high quality, forested tributaries. Annually, 56% of the water budget is carried to the lake as surface runoff through streams * Annually, 56% of the water budget is carried to the lake as surface runoff through streams * Source: (Source: Shuster, L., R. LaFleur and C. Boylen The Hydrologic Budget of Lake George, Southeastern Adirondack Mountains of New York. Northeastern Geology, 16(2): )*
Water Clarity* Source: Boylen, J., E. Howe, J. Bartkowski and L. Eichler Augmentation of a Long-Term Monitoring Program for Lake George, NY by Citizen Volunteers. In Lake and Resource Management, 20(2)
Water Quality Concerns in the Lake Lake and its tributaries impaired for sediment (New York State DEC) Lake and its tributaries impaired for sediment (New York State DEC) South Basin is mesotrophic, affected by development in this portion of the watershed. South Basin is mesotrophic, affected by development in this portion of the watershed. Source: Boylen, J., E. Howe, J. Bartkowski and L. Eichler Augmentation of a Long-Term Monitoring Program for Lake George, NY by Citizen Volunteers. In Lake and Resource Management, 20(2)
Streams of Lake George* Most Streams “Not Impacted” or “Slightly Impacted” for macroinvertebrates Most Streams “Not Impacted” or “Slightly Impacted” for macroinvertebrates Impacted streams downstream of developed areas Impacted streams downstream of developed areas Some stream show water quality differences between downstream and upstream locations (Source: Draft Annual Assessment, Stream Assessment, 2007, Lake George Water Keeper)*
Existing Buffers of Lake George - I Source: D. Keppler
Existing Buffers of Lake George - II Source: D. Keppler
Existing Buffers of Lake George - III Source: D. Keppler
Existing Buffers of Lake George - IV Source: D. Keppler
Some Water Quality Concerns in the Streams of Lake George Some Impaired Streams* Some Impaired Streams* Finkle Brook Finkle Brook Foster Brook Foster Brook East Brook East Brook West Brook West Brook Prospect Mountain Brook Prospect Mountain Brook English Brook English Brook Huddle Brook Huddle Brook Indian Brook Indian Brook Hague Brook Hague Brook * Source: New York State Draft 303 (d) List of 2008 Source: Lake George Association
Land Use in the Lake George Watershed Large amount of the watershed is state-owned Large amount of the watershed is state-owned Much of the land is zoned very low density Much of the land is zoned very low density Specific areas selected for more intense development Specific areas selected for more intense development
Regulatory Authority in the Lake George Watershed Towns and Villages Towns and Villages Lake George Park Commission Lake George Park Commission Adirondack Park Agency Adirondack Park Agency New York State DEC New York State DEC Federal Agencies Federal Agencies
Major Goals for Lake George Stream Buffers Temperature Temperature Water quality (phosphorus) Water quality (phosphorus) Sediment (filtering and erosion prevention) Sediment (filtering and erosion prevention) Habitat Habitat
Key Technical Decisions Streams to include Streams to include Buffer width Buffer width How to measure the width How to measure the width Management within the buffer Management within the buffer Stream crossings Stream crossings Waivers/ exceptions Waivers/ exceptions
Decision 1: What is a Stream? Base stream layer from SWCD mapping Base stream layer from SWCD mapping Should other streams be added? Should other streams be added? Different treatment of perennial versus intermittent streams? Different treatment of perennial versus intermittent streams? On-site stream identification? On-site stream identification? Other criteria for non-mapped streams? Other criteria for non-mapped streams?
Decision 2: Buffer Widths 20’ to 200’ typical buffer widths 20’ to 200’ typical buffer widths Lake George primarily has fairly small (1 st and 2 nd order streams) Lake George primarily has fairly small (1 st and 2 nd order streams) Extremely high quality resource Extremely high quality resource
Decision 3: Vary Widths? Perennial versus intermittent Perennial versus intermittent Large versus small streams Large versus small streams Expand buffer to include: Expand buffer to include: Floodplains Floodplains Habitat areas Habitat areas Wetlands Wetlands Steep slopes Steep slopes
Decision 4: How to Measure the Buffer Stream Centerline Stream Centerline Edge of Stream? Edge of Stream? High Water Mark? High Water Mark? Other? Other?
Decision 5: Management Within the Buffer Mature vegetation throughout Mature vegetation throughout Mix of managed and mature vegetation Mix of managed and mature vegetation Setback from structures only? Setback from structures only? Three-zone buffer? Three-zone buffer?
Decision 6: Stream Crossings How many should be allowed per stream mile? How many should be allowed per stream mile? Design criteria Design criteria Other considerations? Other considerations?
Decision 7: Exceptions or Waivers? Small lots Small lots Previously developed areas Previously developed areas Stormwater practices Stormwater practices
Plan for the Rest of the Day Break (about 15 minutes) Break (about 15 minutes) Technical questions Technical questions Comments/ feedback for buffer regulations Comments/ feedback for buffer regulations