Dr. Lou Mills Sept 23,2010
Why a model for Sustainability? Competitiveness with urban centers and international markets Trade local products, skills, and services Focus on sustainability using high tech skills and methodologies Refine sustainability for rural hinterland Model for other areas.
Strategies for Sustainability Model Integrated water management Alternative transportation system Renewable energy- distribution, trade, promotion Model Codes for Sustainable Development New Building & Community prototypes Green infrastructure and product development & Marketing Improved streetscape design Protection, renewal of natural habitats and ecosystems
Sustainability Systems- Quantitative Methods LEEDS BREEAM ASLA Sustainable Sites Initiative
USDA Rural Business Development Grant Programs The agency encourages applications that: Promote economic growth, job creation within region that have fewest prospects and greatest need Clear leadership in organizing effort Common economic basis that would support success Collaborative effort and willingness to work Seek contributions for regional strategies Demographic diversity Adequate funding to support disadvantage communities
USDA Grant Selection Criteria Local and regional food systems that encourage wealth creation Renewable energy generation and conservation Access to broadband infrastructure Access to capital to ensure sustainable business development and opportunity Innovative utilization of natural resources to expand business opportunities Federal Register/Vol.75, No.59/Monday, March 29,2010
Sustainability Research Hypothesis/ Questions Sustainability is predictable based on key variables in environmental design. Most predictive variables are: water use, plant materials, and lawn areas. Sustainable design is scaleable from small sample areas. West Texas has unique features affecting sustainability Sustainability can be readily mapped and quantified. To improve sustainability, increase particular natural/cultural environmental design variables
The Model
Site Data Collection- BASE INFORMATION
Sustainability Survey Questionnaire
Sustainability= Consistent, equitable, environmentally sound and productive change
Future Research Directions for Sustainable Design & Environmental Planning Verification of sustainability criteria Scale Connection to Marketing for Sustainability Internet based decision-making Interaction and expandable modeling Progressive design changes Carbon neutral construction Land use code relevance OTHER IDEAS ????
References Dinep, Claudia and Kristin Schwab Sustainable Site Design. New York: John Wiley & Sons Calkins, Meg Materials for Sustainable Sites. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Balmori, Diana Land and Natural Development (LAND)Code. New York: John Wiley & Sons