Volcanoes Vocabulary Day 2 Grade 5 Theme 1
10/8/2015Free PowerPoint Template from 2 cinders ► The cinders helped the plants grow big and strong. True or False? Why or why not? ► The cinders were used on the roads to keep the roads from being too slick on icy days. True or False? Why or why not?
10/8/2015Free PowerPoint Template from 3 crater ► I climbed onto the crater. True or False? Why or why not? ► I climbed into a crater. True or False? Why or why not?
10/8/2015Free PowerPoint Template from 4 crust ► The crust contains the magma. True or False? If false, make it true. ► ► The crust is made of rock. True or False? If false, make it true.
10/8/2015Free PowerPoint Template from 5 eruption ► Letting the water go down the sink is an example of an eruption. True or False? Why? ► When the soda erupted, it projected up to the ceiling. True or False? Why?
10/8/20156 lava and magma ► How do I know the difference between lava and magma? Write what you think the differences are. Share with a partner. Magma
10/8/2015Free PowerPoint Template from 7 molten ► The molten lava was solid as a rock. True or False? Why? ► The molten lava flowed down the mountain. True or False? Why?
10/8/2015Free PowerPoint Template from 8 summit ► When we reached the summit we had a view of the entire valley. True or False? Why? ► When we reached the summit we knew it was going to be a long way back up the mountain. True or False? Why?
10/8/2015Free PowerPoint Template from 9 advancing ► The storm was advancing, and we were sure glad it was now over! True or False? Why? ► The storm was advancing, and we were preparing for the worst! True or False? Why?
10/8/2015Template copyright Partner Talk eruption, crater, cinders, crust, lava, magma, summit, molten, advancing ► Try to make one sentence using 4 of the words. ► Can you fit them all into two sentences?
10/8/2015Template copyright Vocabulary Fun! ► Write one true statement for each word and one false statement. ► Switch with a partner. ► Identify the false the statement and rewrite it to make it true.