Daily Review #6 How are earthquakes created? How are P, S and surface waves similar? Different? What is a tsunami and how is it made?
Volcanic Eruptions 10,000 times stronger than atomic bomb Volcanoes – what are they? Destructive Creative
What’s Inside? Magma vs. lava Magma chamber Vents
Convergent Boundaries Subduction ◦ Oceanic subducted ◦ Produces magma Magma rises to form volcano
Explosive Eruptions Rare Destructive Produce clouds of ◦ Debris ◦ Ash ◦ Gas
Pyroclastic Flows Produced in small amounts of time, large amounts of material Lahar Faster than a hurricane Temperatures greater than 700 deg. Celsius Deadly
Divergent Boundaries Rift zone ◦ Filled by magma Mid-ocean ridges ◦ Most volcanic activity ◦ Iceland, island of Surtsey
Nonexplosive Eruptions Most common Produce ◦ Calm lava flows ◦ Huge amounts of lava Shape our world ◦ Islands in the Pacific ◦ Sea floor ◦ NW U.S.
Hot Spots Examples Volcanically active Far from plate boundary Theories ◦ Mantle plumes ◦ Cracks in crust Move over time