1 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Introduction to the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium A National University Transportation Center Portland State University in partnership with the University of Oregon, Oregon State University and the Oregon Institute of Technology
2 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Thank you for helping with schedule
3 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium A word about our logo…
4 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium History Transportation Studies Center established 1966 by Prof. Walter H. Kramer in School of Business Administration Founding Director Kramer: the actions of an individual, of a college, can determine the future of our cities, our society. Develops and administers undergraduate and graduate courses in transportation, sponsors non- credit seminars and conferences and engages in interdisciplinary transportation research. Center for Transportation Studies now in College of Urban and Public Affairs Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC): campuswide, and statewide
5 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium TEA-21 UTCs Geographic Distribution of University Transportation Centers
6 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium What is OTREC? A National University Transportation Center (UTC) A National University Transportation Center (UTC) Created by Congress in 2005 Created by Congress in 2005 Portland State University in partnership with the University of Oregon, Oregon State University and the Oregon Institute of Technology Portland State University in partnership with the University of Oregon, Oregon State University and the Oregon Institute of Technology
7 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium SAFETEA-LU 2005
8 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium What is a UTC? U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration University Transportation Centers Program VISION: Internationally recognized centers of excellence, fully integrated within institutions of higher learning, serving as vital source of leaders prepared to meet nations need for safe, efficient and environmentally sound movement of people and goods. MISSION: To advance U.S. technology and expertise in many disciplines comprising transportation through education, research and technology transfer at university-based centers of excellence.
9 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium What is a UTC? 1. Education: multi disciplinary program of coursework and experiential learning reinforcing centers transportation theme. 2. Human Resources: increased number of students, faculty and staff attracted to and substantively involved in centers undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. 3. Diversity: students, faculty and staff reflecting growing diversity of U.S. workforce and are substantively involved in centers undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. 4. Research Selection: objective process for selecting and reviewing research balancing programs multiple objectives. 5. Research Performance: ongoing program of basic and applied research, products of which are judged by peers or other experts in the field to advance body of knowledge in transportation. 6. Technology Transfer: availability of research results to potential users in a form that can be directly implemented, utilized or otherwise applied. GOALS:
10 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium What is a UTC? PSU and OSU part of TransNow since 1987 Now 60 centers Most have dollar for dollar match requirements National University Transportation Centers Largest $2.0 FY05, $3.5/year through FY09 Alaska, Marshall West Virginia, Minnesota, Missouri Rolla, Northwestern, Oklahoma, Vermont, Montana State, Wisconsin Linkages with USDOT research needs FHWA, FTA, NHTSA, FMCSA, FRA PSU and OSU part of TransNow since 1987 Now 60 centers Most have dollar for dollar match requirements National University Transportation Centers Largest $2.0 FY05, $3.5/year through FY09 Alaska, Marshall West Virginia, Minnesota, Missouri Rolla, Northwestern, Oklahoma, Vermont, Montana State, Wisconsin Linkages with USDOT research needs FHWA, FTA, NHTSA, FMCSA, FRA
11 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium OTREC Mission Dedicated to: Stimulating and conducting collaborative multi-disciplinary research on multi-modal surface transportation issues. Educating a diverse array of current practitioners and future leaders in the transportation field. Encouraging implementation of relevant research results through technology transfer. Dedicated to: Stimulating and conducting collaborative multi-disciplinary research on multi-modal surface transportation issues. Educating a diverse array of current practitioners and future leaders in the transportation field. Encouraging implementation of relevant research results through technology transfer. Through collaboration and partnerships with transportation agencies and industry, OTREC focuses on three themes: Advanced technologies. Integration of transportation systems with land use planning. Healthy communities.
12 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium OTREC Governance Executive Committee Board of Advisors Vice President Level Oversight Strategic Plan approved by RITA December 1, 2006 Executive Committee Board of Advisors Vice President Level Oversight Strategic Plan approved by RITA December 1, 2006
13 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium OTREC Board of Advisors OTRECs structure includes an external Board of Advisors (BOA) consisting of representatives from transportation-related organizations, primarily in Oregon. The role of the BOA is to help develop OTRECs foundation and provide guidance on OTRECs overall mission. These members are our advocates and champions, regionally, statewide, and nationally. The role of the BOA includes: Long-range planning and direction. Identify priority research topics. Review annual report and plan for the future. Serve as a connection to key agency partners at state and federal levels and with industry. Provide OTREC with statewide, multimodal, public/private perspectives on research, education and outreach. OTRECs structure includes an external Board of Advisors (BOA) consisting of representatives from transportation-related organizations, primarily in Oregon. The role of the BOA is to help develop OTRECs foundation and provide guidance on OTRECs overall mission. These members are our advocates and champions, regionally, statewide, and nationally. The role of the BOA includes: Long-range planning and direction. Identify priority research topics. Review annual report and plan for the future. Serve as a connection to key agency partners at state and federal levels and with industry. Provide OTREC with statewide, multimodal, public/private perspectives on research, education and outreach.
14 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium OTREC Board of Advisors Public agencies (8 members) Public agencies (8 members) USDOT (required, 1 member): e.g., FHWA division administrator, FTA regional administrator, or other actively involved representative. USDOT (required, 1 member): e.g., FHWA division administrator, FTA regional administrator, or other actively involved representative. State: DOT or Department of Human Services. State: DOT or Department of Human Services. Regional (2 members): MPO, county, or city. Regional (2 members): MPO, county, or city. Transit District (1 member): TriMet, Lane Transit District or other transit agency. Transit District (1 member): TriMet, Lane Transit District or other transit agency. Ports (1 member): Port of Portland or other port. Ports (1 member): Port of Portland or other port. Higher Education (1 member): another Region 10 UTC Director. Higher Education (1 member): another Region 10 UTC Director. Elected Officials (1 member): federal, state or regional. Elected Officials (1 member): federal, state or regional. Private industry (4 members) Private industry (4 members) Engineering/Planning/Other Consulting (2 members) Engineering/Planning/Other Consulting (2 members) Related Industry (2 members) Related Industry (2 members) Transportation-related interest groups (3 members) Transportation-related interest groups (3 members) Public agencies (8 members) Public agencies (8 members) USDOT (required, 1 member): e.g., FHWA division administrator, FTA regional administrator, or other actively involved representative. USDOT (required, 1 member): e.g., FHWA division administrator, FTA regional administrator, or other actively involved representative. State: DOT or Department of Human Services. State: DOT or Department of Human Services. Regional (2 members): MPO, county, or city. Regional (2 members): MPO, county, or city. Transit District (1 member): TriMet, Lane Transit District or other transit agency. Transit District (1 member): TriMet, Lane Transit District or other transit agency. Ports (1 member): Port of Portland or other port. Ports (1 member): Port of Portland or other port. Higher Education (1 member): another Region 10 UTC Director. Higher Education (1 member): another Region 10 UTC Director. Elected Officials (1 member): federal, state or regional. Elected Officials (1 member): federal, state or regional. Private industry (4 members) Private industry (4 members) Engineering/Planning/Other Consulting (2 members) Engineering/Planning/Other Consulting (2 members) Related Industry (2 members) Related Industry (2 members) Transportation-related interest groups (3 members) Transportation-related interest groups (3 members)
15 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium OTREC Board of Advisors Members should be at the upper administration level of their organization Members should be at the upper administration level of their organization Members should strive to be inclusive and representative and have the ability to represent transportation interests beyond their own organization. Members should strive to be inclusive and representative and have the ability to represent transportation interests beyond their own organization. Members should have a broad perspective of transportation needs. Members should have a broad perspective of transportation needs. Members should be at the upper administration level of their organization Members should be at the upper administration level of their organization Members should strive to be inclusive and representative and have the ability to represent transportation interests beyond their own organization. Members should strive to be inclusive and representative and have the ability to represent transportation interests beyond their own organization. Members should have a broad perspective of transportation needs. Members should have a broad perspective of transportation needs.
16 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium CollaborationsCollaborations 100 faculty 4 campuses Multidisciplinary Multimodal Eugene Portland Corvallis
17 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium CollaborationsCollaborations urban studies and planning geomatics electrical engineering mechanical and materials engineering political science statistics geography science education mathematics sociology business administration computer science chemistry civil and environmental engineering information systems chemical engineering forest engineering economics industrial and manufacturing engineering landscape architecture education geographic information systems anthropology history construction engineering planning, public policy and management community health 100 faculty 4 campuses Multidisciplinary Multimodal
18 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Collaborations on Campus & Beyond Statewide Agency, Industry and University Partners
19 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Collaborations Federal Region X Four UTCs Eight Universities $10M/year
20 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Collaborations National UTCs Ten UTCs Leadership Role
21 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Collaborations Interstate 5 Corridor Potential I-5 Corridor Coalition Washington, Oregon, California Six UTCs Canada and Mexico Freight, ITS, Weather, Environment, Economic Development, Border Crossings
22 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Overarching Values Student Centered Recruiting Masters and Ph.D. students Dissertation/thesis fellowships (product oriented) Faculty Driven Principal investigators Educators Collaborative We are statewide Cross-discipline and cross-campus and cross-institution Agency/industry partners StudentsOregon and other states Peer-reviewed/quality for all products Positive influence on transportation profession and community Recognize that collaboration is not easy! Highly positive attitude within the collaboration Speaking with a smile, recognizing one anothers accomplishments, customer service approach, can-do attitude, supporting one another. Student Centered Recruiting Masters and Ph.D. students Dissertation/thesis fellowships (product oriented) Faculty Driven Principal investigators Educators Collaborative We are statewide Cross-discipline and cross-campus and cross-institution Agency/industry partners StudentsOregon and other states Peer-reviewed/quality for all products Positive influence on transportation profession and community Recognize that collaboration is not easy! Highly positive attitude within the collaboration Speaking with a smile, recognizing one anothers accomplishments, customer service approach, can-do attitude, supporting one another.
23 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Research and Education Suggest a research topics to rec_ideas.htm Faculty partners see Identify research topics and potential faculty/agency/industry partners Define cash and/or in-kind match Completed first two proposal cycles Third cycle early 2008 YOU: suggest research topic, develop proposal with faculty, explore matching fund commitment Suggest a research topics to rec_ideas.htm Faculty partners see Identify research topics and potential faculty/agency/industry partners Define cash and/or in-kind match Completed first two proposal cycles Third cycle early 2008 YOU: suggest research topic, develop proposal with faculty, explore matching fund commitment
24 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Technology Transfer/Outreach Weekly Seminar and Visiting Scholar Series in person and online seminars (150 online) Kiewit Center Workshops and Conferences Portland State Urban Rail Series More to comeinventory of training needs across Oregon YOU: suggest training/workshop needs, serve as instructors, mentor staff
25 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium VisionVision OTREC is committed to: Providing relevant research to assist local, state, and regional agencies in their work; Expanding the pool of highly talented students who choose to work in the area of transportation planning and engineering; Building upon our collective efforts to make Oregon a place where innovation, creativity, and collaboration lead to sustainable communities. Let us work together to create a vibrant, multimodal, multidisciplinary university transportation center that is an exciting place for students to learn and be enriched by an active faculty and compelling research program. OTREC is committed to: Providing relevant research to assist local, state, and regional agencies in their work; Expanding the pool of highly talented students who choose to work in the area of transportation planning and engineering; Building upon our collective efforts to make Oregon a place where innovation, creativity, and collaboration lead to sustainable communities. Let us work together to create a vibrant, multimodal, multidisciplinary university transportation center that is an exciting place for students to learn and be enriched by an active faculty and compelling research program.
26 Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium Its All About the Students