Section 5 Hiring an Engineer
Why hire an engineer? –For their expertise –Because you dont have the time –Because you just cant do everything that needs to be done by yourself
Hiring an Engineer When should you start the hiring process? –For very simple projects - 9 months before you want to start construction –For larger, complicated projects - up to 18 months before start of construction –For a series of projects you may select a firm as far as 3 years in advance.
Hiring an Engineer How do you hire an engineer? –Define the scope of what you want to do –Advertise an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) –Review and evaluate submittals –Create a short list of the most qualified firms
Hiring an Engineer –Interview the top rated firms –Choose the firm you consider to be the most qualified –Sit down and clearly define what services the consultant will provide –On your own, or with our help, estimate the cost of the services (ICA)
Hiring an Engineer –Negotiate the consultants fees. –Provide NDA with Proposed agreement Independent Cost Analysis (ICA) Sponsor Certification for the Selection of Consultants –Finally, if NDA\FAA give you verbal approval, execute the agreement
Hiring an Engineer Tips –For contracts under $25,000 use small purchase procedures –In certain situations telephone interviews are o.k. –Using standard questions and ratings forms can help even the playing field
Hiring an Engineer Tips –When interviewing or negotiating the scope of work, dont let yourself be misdirected –Insist that the engineer use our standard engineering agreement –The consultants proposed fees will need to be within 10% of the ICA to be acceptable
Hiring an Engineer Questions?