August 2012 Paraprofessional Workshop Laurene Beto Annie Kretowicz Taura Anderson
Review how SCCOE SPED teachers manage data collection in the classroom Discuss how paraeducators know what is to be assessed Learn some assessment tools Practice making observations Discuss how to work as a team to clarify and implement effective data collection practices
Spend a few minutes taking the survey Using your dots place them on all of the practices in your classroom
Paraeducators will learn from the classroom teacher the student goals for specific lessons. Paraeducators will learn from the teacher the instructional strategy that they will use with a student during a lesson. Paraeducators will learn from the teacher how student performance data will be collected during the lesson. Paraeducators will communicate with the classroom teacher about student performance after the lesson.
Formal Standardized Tests Norm-referenced Can be multiple choice Valid and reliable Examples: CAPA, CSTs, CELDT Informal Incorporated into classroom routines and learning activities Are criterion referenced Can be valid and reliable
Can be used anytime without interfering with lesson Tell us about student performance or skill Give us a clear understanding of the students ability and how abilities increase over time Identify a student’s strengths and needs
What the student does What the adult does to record student progress
Writing Samples Homework Logs or Journals Games Brainstorming Story retelling Art Work Classroom Participation Social Interactions
Anecdotal records Naturalistic records Story narratives
Checklists Rating Scales
Look at the samples Checklists can be used to record particular behaviors during a lesson
Cloze Tests Miscue Analysis Questionnaires Structured Interviews
Student portfolios often contain information that could be used to support ratings. Portfolios may consist of one or more of the following: anecdotal notes, student work samples, photos of the student’s activities, audio or video recordings and transcripts of the student’s language.
Read the practice sheet As you watch the video, jot down what you see in the notes section Check each area as mastered, some emerging or not observed Discuss
Giving feedback that helps all classroom staff know how well Students are learning