May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 1 Klaus Jungmann, Physics with a Megawatt Proto Source, CERN 25 May 2004 Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 2
Physics at a Megawatt Proton Source, CERN, May 25-27, 2004 What is Fundamental What is Fundamental Forces and Symmetries Fundamental Fermions Fundamental Fermions Discrete Symmetries Discrete Symmetries Properties of Known Basic Interactions Properties of Known Basic Interactions ~ 1GeV versus ~ 30 GeV proton driver ~ 1GeV versus ~ 30 GeV proton driver Klaus Jungmann, Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut,Groningen Aspects of only scratching some examples
Physics at a Megawatt Proton Source, CERN, May 25-27, 2004 Klaus Jungmann, Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut,Groningen Drawing on : Work of NuPECC Long Range Plan Working group on Fundamental Interactions, 2003 : H. Abele (D), L. Corradi (I), P. Herczeg (USA), I.B. Khriplovich (RU), O. Nviliat (F), N. Severijns (B), L. Simons (CH), C. Weinheimer (D), H.W. Wilschut (NL), K. Jungmann (NL) H. Leeb (A), C. Bargholtz (S) Assisted by: W. Heil, P. Indelicato, F. Maas, K. Pachucki, R.G Timmermans, C. Volpe, K. Zuber NSAC Long Range Plan 2002 EURISOL Physics Case 2004 Aspects of
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 5 The Nature of Neutrinos Oscillations / Masses / 0 2 -decay T and CP Violation edm’s, D (R) coeff. in -decays, D 0 Rare and Forbidden Decays 0 2 -decay, n-n bar, M-M bar, e 3e, N e Correlations in -decay non V-A in -decay Unitarity of CKM-Matrix n-, - , (superallowed -decays Parity Nonconservation in Atoms Cs, Fr, Ra, Ba +, Ra + CPT Conservation n, e, p, Precision Studies within The Standard Model Constants, QCD,QED, Nuclear Structure Theoretical Support Positions at Universities Experimentalists and Theorists High Power Proton Driver Several MW Target Research Cold and Ultracold Neutrons Low Energy Radioactive Beams Improved Trapping Facilities Underground Facilities Physics Topics Adequate Environment Human resources Facilities of NuPECC working group 2003
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 6 The Nature of Neutrinos Oscillations / Masses / 0 2 -decay T and CP Violation edm’s, D (R) coeff. in -decays, D 0 Rare and Forbidden Decays 0 2 -decay, n-n bar, M-M bar, e 3e, N e Correlations in -decay non V-A in -decay Unitarity of CKM-Matrix n-, - , (superallowed -decays Parity Nonconservation in Atoms Cs, Fr, Ra, Ba +, Ra + CPT Conservation n, e, p, Precision Studies within The Standard Model Constants, QCD,QED, Nuclear Structure Theoretical Support Positions at Universities Experimentalists and Theorists High Power Proton Driver Several MW Target Research Cold and Ultracold Neutrons Low Energy Radioactive Beams Improved Trapping Facilities Underground Facilities Physics Topics Adequate Environment Human resources Facilities Relating to a MW Proton Machine
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 7 Physics Topics Physics Topics Offer unique possibilities to gain inside into fundamental processes and into yet unexplained observed facts in nature Offer possibilities to measure needed fundamental constants with unprecedented accuracy Relating to a MW Proton Machine High Power Proton Driver To obtain sufficient particles - Statistics Limitations - Understanding Systematics To enable Novel Techniques
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 8 Physicists in general: have always a tendency to put their own activities as fundamental renormalization of meaning Albert Einstein : to know how God has made the world > I would like to know how God has made the world. I am not one or an other phenomenon not interested in one or an other phenomenon, not spectrum of one or another element not interested in the spectrum of one or another element. to know His Thoughts I would like to know His Thoughts, everything else are just details. < resembles literal meaning, i.e. basic, not deducible law [Webbster’s New World] fundamental := “ forming a foundation or basis, a principle, law etc. serving as a basis”
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 9 ?
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 10 fundamental := “ forming a foundation or basis a principle, law etc. serving as a basis” Forces and Symmetries Global Symmetries Conservation Laws energy momentum electric charge lepton number charged lepton family number baryon number ….. Local Symmetries Forces fundamental interactions
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 11 fundamental := “ forming a foundation or basis a principle, law etc. serving as a basis” Standard Model Standard Model 3 Fundamental Forces Electromagnetic Weak Strong 12 Fundamental Fermions Quarks, Leptons 13 Gauge Bosons ,W +, W -, Z 0, H, 8 Gluons However However many open questions Why 3 generations ? Why some 30 Parameters? Why CP violation ? Why us? ….. Gravity Gravity not included No Combind Theory of GravityQuantum Mechanics Gravity and Quantum Mechanics
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 12 Fundamental Interactions – Standard Model Physics outside Standard Model Searches for New Physics Physics within the Standard Model
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 13 Neutrinos Neutrino Oscillations Neutrino Masses Quarks Unitarity of CKM Matrix Rare decays Baryon Number Lepton Number/Lepton Flavour New Interactions in Nuclear and Muon -Decay
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 14 Neutrinos Neutrino Oscillations Neutrino Masses Quarks Unitarity of CKM Matrix Rare decays Baryon Number Lepton Number/Lepton Flavour New Interactions in Nuclear and Muon -Decay
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 15 Neutrino-Experiments Recent observations could be explained by oscillations of massive neutrinos. Many Remaining Problems really oscillations ? sensitive to m 2 Masses of Neutrino Nature of Neutrino Dirac Majorana Neutrinoless Double -Decay Direct Mass Measurements are indicated Spectrometer Long Baseline Experiments -beams new neutrino detectors ? Superkamiokande SNO
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 16
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 17 Neutrino-Experiments Are there new detection schemes ? Water Cherenkov Scintillators Scintillators Directional sensitivity for low energies ? Air shower ? Salt Domes ? Salt Domes ? Only for Non- Accelerator Neutrinos ?
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 18 Neutrinos Neutrino Oscillations Neutrino Masses Quarks Unitarity of CKM Matrix Rare decays Baryon Number Lepton Number/Lepton Flavour New Interactions in Nuclear and Muon -Decay
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 19 Unitarity of Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Unitarity: Nuclear -decays = (14) Neutron decay = (28) = (27) Often found: If you pick your favourite V us ! CKM Matrix couples weak and mass quark eigenstaes: (5) 0.221(6)
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 20
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 21 Unitarity of Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Nuclear -decays = (14) Neutron decay = (28) = (27) Experimental Possibilities
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 22 CKM Unitarity May relate to New Physics Heavy Quark Mixing, Z‘,Extra Dimensions, Charged Higgs, SUSY, exotic muon decays,..., more generations ! Unfortunatetly: Situation is a mess ! V ud : V ud : superallowed -decays (3)(4) neutron decay (4)(11)(4) pion- decay (39)(2) V us : V us : Hyperons e e Problem ! What can be done? Improve reliability of experiments independently pion- decay (theory clean!), maybe: neutron- decay Analyse existing K data, K e3 experiments Search for exotic muon decays Improve Theory Numbers Compiled by W. Marciano, March ‘04
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 23 Neutrinos Neutrino Oscillations Neutrino Masses Quarks Unitarity of CKM Matrix Rare decays Baryon Number Lepton Number/Lepton Flavour New Interactions in Nuclear and Muon -Decay
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 24 Muon Experiments Possible at a CERN Neutrino Factory - Expected Improvements Muon Physics Possibilities at Any High Power Proton Driver i.e. 4 MW
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 25 < < < < Muon Physics Possibilities at Any High Power Proton Driver i.e. 4 MW K Jungmann 18-Apr-2001
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 26
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 27
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 28 Old Muonium for Muonium-Antimuonium Conversion ? P(M) sin 2 [const * (G MM /G F )*t]*exp[- *t] Background exp(- n *t) ; n-fold coincidence detection For G MM << G F M gains over Background P(M) / Background t 2 * exp[+(n-1)* *t] Pulsed ACCELERATOR
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 29 Neutrinos Neutrino Oscillations Neutrino Masses Quarks Unitarity of CKM Matrix Rare decays Baryon Number Lepton Number/Lepton Flavour New Interactions in Nuclear and Muon -Decay
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 30 Vector [Tensor] ++ e Scalar [Axial vector] ++ e New Interactions in Nuclear and Muon -Decay In Standard Model: Weak Interaction is V-A In general -decay could be also S, P, T
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 31 Parity Parity Nonconservation in Atoms Nuclear Anapole Moments Parity Violation in Electron-Scattering Time Reversal and CP-Violation Electric Dipole Moments R and D Coefficients in -Decay CPT Invariance
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 32 Parity Parity Nonconservation in Atoms Nuclear Anapole Moments Parity Violation in Electron-Scattering Time Reversal and CP-Violation Electric Dipole Moments R and D Coefficients in -Decay CPT Invariance
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 33 Beautiful confirmation of Standard Model in the past ! Only little chances to contribute to forefront (except leptoquark scenarios) Usefull for measureing neutron distributions Usefull to explore e.g. anapole moments
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 34 Parity Parity Nonconservation in Atoms Nuclear Anapole Moments Parity Violation in Electron-Scattering Time Reversal and CP-Violation Electric Dipole Moments R and D Coefficients in -Decay CPT Invariance
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 35 EDM violates: Parity Time reversal CP- conservation if CPT conservation assumed Any observed EDM: Sign of New Physics beyond Standard Theory
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source Start TRI P 199 Hg Radium potential d e (SM) < Some EDM Experiments compared
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 37 EDM: What Object to Choose ? Theoretical input needed 205 Tl: d = -585 d e 199 Hg: d nucl atom Ra: Ra/Hg=(10 >1 )(10 >3 )
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 38 EDMs – Where do they come from ? (are they just “painted“ to particles? Why different experiments? ) electron intrinsic ? quarkintrinsic ? muonsecond generation different ? neutron/ proton from quark EDM ? property of strong interactions ? new interactions ? deuteron basic nuclear forces CP violating? pion exchange ? 6 Li many body nuclear mechanism ? heavy nuclei (e.g. Ra, Fr)enhancement by CP-odd nuclear forces, nuclear “shape“ atomscan have large enhancement, sensitive to electron or nucleus EDMs moleculeslarge enhancement factors, sensitive to electron EDM.....
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 39 Generic EDM Experiment PolarizationSpin Rotation Determination of Ensemble Spin average Preparation of J state “pure“ J stateInteraction with E - field Analysis ofstate Example: D= e cm, E=100 kV/cm, J=1/2 e 15.2 mHz electric dipole moment: D = x c -1 J Spin precession : e h J D J
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 40 How does a ring edm experiment work ? Exploit huge motional electric fields for relativistic particles in high magnetic fields stop g-2 precession observe spin rotation For muons exploit decay asymmetry Concept works also for (certain) Nuclei: d, 6 Li, 213 Fr,.. N+N+ N+N+ N+N+ One could use -decay In general: any sensitive polarimeter works One needs for a successful experiment: polarized, fast beam magnetic storage ring polarimeter N+N+
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 41 Some Candidate Nuclei 30y / Cs 22 min< / Fr 82.8 m / Ge H21H 3.6 m / Tm Li / Sb / La T 1/2 Reduced Anomaly a /N/N Spin JNucleus
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 42 TRV R and D test both Time Reversal Violation D D most potential R R scalar and tensor (EDM, a) technique D measurements yield a, A, b, B TRV Time Reversal Violation in -decay: Correlation measurements
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 43 Parity Parity Nonconservation in Atoms Nuclear Anapole Moments Parity Violation in Electron-Scattering Time Reversal and CP-Violation Electric Dipole Moments R and D Coefficients in -Decay CPT Invariance
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 44 ? m mm r 0 00 K KK || K avg a | e a e a| avg g | e g e g| e r CPTbreakb,a μμ Invariance LorentzbreakH,d,c,b,a μν μμ ? Lepton Magnetic Anomalies in CPT and Lorentz Non-Invariant Models CPT tests Are they comparable- Which one is appropriate Use common ground, e.g. energies Leptons in External Magnetic Field Bluhm, Kostelecky, Russell, Phys.Rev. D 57,3932 (1998) For g-2 Experiments : Dehmelt, Mittleman,Van Dyck, Schwinberg, hep-ph/ μμ qAiiD 0D μ γ 5 γ μν id ν D μ γ μν ic μν σ H 2 1 μ γ 5 γ μ b μ γ μ am μ D μ (iγ equation DIRAC violating Lorentz and CPT generic ψ ) 2 c l m a Δω l upspin E | l downspin E l upspin E| l r l 3 4b l a ω l a ω a Δω avg ll 2 l c l a |aa| cm ω r μ r e r :: muonelectron CPT CPT – Violation Lorentz Invariance Violation What is best CPT test ? New Ansatz (Kostelecky) K 0 GeV/c 2 n GeV/c 2 p GeV/c 2 e GeV/c 2 GeV/c 2 Future: Anti hydrogen GeV/c 2 often quoted: K 0 - K 0 mass difference ( ) e - - e + g- factors (2* ) We need an interaction with a finite strength !
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 45 CPT and Lorentz Invariance from Muon Experiments Muonium: new interaction below 2 * GeV Muon g-2: new interaction below 4 * GeV (CERN) 15 times better expected from BNL when analysis will be completed V.W. Hughes et al., Phys.Rev. Lett. 87, (2001)
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 46 Electromagnetism and Fundamental Constants QED, Lamb Shift Muonium and Muon g-2 Muonic Hydrogen and Proton Radius Exotic Atoms Does QED vary with time? QCD Strong Interaction Shift Scattering Lengths Gravity Hints of strings/Membranes?
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 47 Electromagnetism and Fundamental Constants QED, Lamb Shift Muonium and Muon g-2 Muonic Hydrogen and Proton Radius Exotic Atoms Does QED vary with time? QCD Strong Interaction Shift Scattering Lengths Gravity Hints of strings/Membranes?
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 48 Properties of known Basic Interactions Search for New Physics What are the hardronic corrections? e + +e - hadrons e + +e - + hadrons New activities Planned statistics limited experiment J-PARC, BNL Fundamental constants needed Muonium “Proton Radius” Muonic Hydrogen Lamb Shift Pionic Hydrogen Strong Interaction Shift Muon g-2 Newest Theory Offer: 2.4 from Experiment 0, + mass difference overlooked ?
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 49 Electromagnetism and Fundamental Constants QED, Lamb Shift Muonium and Muon g-2 Muonic Hydrogen and Proton Radius Exotic Atoms Does QED vary with time? QCD Strong Interaction Shift Scattering Lengths Gravity Hints of strings/Membranes?
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 50 Time Variation of Idea (Webb, Flambaum et al.): Relativistic Corrections to atomic level energies E rel Z 2 [(j+1/2) -1 -C(j,l)] i.e. > 0 or < 0, depending on atom and state New Atomic Physics laboratory experiments: ‘stable‘ at this level Observation may be due to not understood astrophysics. Nevertheless: Are other Constants and Ratios of Constants stable in time? Are the parameters of fundamental fermion families stable ?
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 51 Electromagnetism and Fundamental Constants QED, Lamb Shift Muonium and Muon g-2 Muonic Hydrogen and Proton Radius Exotic Atoms Does QED vary with time? QCD Strong Interaction Shift Scattering Lengths Gravity Hints of strings/Membranes?
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 52 Standing Waves of Ultra Cold Neutrons in a gravitational field
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 53 Non Newtonian Gravity Best Test 1 to 5 m Grenoble Gatchina Heidelberg Cern Standing Waves of Ultra Cold Neutrons
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 54 High power Proton Driver ~ 1GeV ~ 30 GeV ~ 1GeV ~ 30 GeV The Nature of Neutrinos Oscillations / Masses / 0 2 -decay T and CP Violation edm’s, D (R) coeff. in -decays, D 0 Rare and Forbidden Decays 0 2 -decay, n-n bar, M-M bar, e 3e, N e Correlations in -decay non V-A in -decay Unitarity of CKM-Matrix n-, - , (superallowed -decays Parity Nonconservation in Atoms Cs, Fr, Ra, Ba +, Ra + CPT Conservation n, e, p, Precision Studies within The Standard Model Constants, QCD,QED, Nuclear Structure Physics Topics
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 55Conclusion Particle Physics –Nuclear Physics ? Gregory Breit, when asked at Yale whether a new colleague should be an atomic theorist, a nuclear theorist, an astro-physcist or work in the then new field of particle physics: > There are only Good Theorists and bad ones There are only Good Theorists and bad ones < Accordingly: It‘s time to build jointly a powerful machine to serve Good Physics. A Multi-Megawatt Proton Driver has a very Large Potential to serve Good Physics, particularly in the merging fields of nuclear, particle and astro-physics.
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 56 Thank YOU !
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May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 58 SPARES
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 59
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 60
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 61
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 62 Many approaches to neutrinoless double -decay Are there attempts to collaborate and concentrate ?
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 63 Fundamental Interactions – Standard Model Physics within the Standard Model --- Searches for New Physics
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 64 Topic One Details about this topic Supporting information and examples How it relates to your audience
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 65
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 66 Need ~10 10 observed Nuclei to compete with neutron EDM
May CERN Physics with a Multi-MWProton Source 67