Ongo01 – OSCAR Client – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Advisor – Ralph Patterson Team Members – 9 December nd Semester Students: Patrick Jordan CprE / Math Farrukh Mian EE James Sweeney CprE / Psych Michael VanWaardhuizen CprE / EE Abdul Qazi CprE 1st Semester Students: Argenis Acosta CprE Daniel Marquis EE Cory Farver CprE Abdallah Mwita CprE Matthew Frerics EE Jason Olson CprE Daniel Humke A EE Fahad Wajid EE
Presentation Overview Introduction & Overview Motion Control Power Sensors Software General Summary
Introduction OSCAR is a demonstration robot for use in outreach to students and community Its goal is to excite and interest students in engineering fields Comprised of several subsystems, each the responsibility of a subteam
History ISU Robotics Club CYbot Successful Demos Widely remembered, Goal OSCAR Next generation technologies More student development
Problem Statement To successfully integrate all subsystems into a functional, safe and usable robot Create demonstrations of interest to the public of the OSCAR’s capabilities Perform demonstrations for interested groups and for university outreach efforts
Users and Uses Users Team members Others who have been trained on the system’s safe operation Uses Outreach and public relations Education of K-12 students
Operating Environment Indoors or prepared outdoor areas Level surfaces Moderate Temperatures (>65F) Free of obstacles shorter than 2.5ft
Team Structure Subteams Motion Control Power Sensors Software Subteam Leader Coordination
Members: Matt Frerichs (EE – 1 st ) – Team Leader Alexandre Moulin (ME – 1 st ) Tom Shedek (ME – 1 st ) Fahad Wajid (EE – 1 st ) Motion Control – Ongo01a
Introduction The Motion Control Subteam of OSCAR is responsible for controlling the movement of OSCAR as a whole as well as the construction and movement of the arm.
Definitions H-Bridge – Motor control circuit, controls the direction of the motor PCB – printed circuit board LM629 – Motion control circuit, outputs PWM and direction signals for speed and direction control PWM – pulse width modulation
Problem Statement Complete implementation of motion control circuitry that has been designed in previous semesters Re-design motion control circuitry if needed
End Product Description Movement achieved in the base motors of OSCAR Movement achieved in OSCAR’s arm
Assumptionsand Limitations Assumptions and Limitations Software will be ready to control the motion control circuitry The power supplied will be sufficient for the needs of the controllers Sufficient funding will be available
Previous Accomplishments Motion control circuits designed Some parts of motion control circuits built and preliminary testing started
Milestones Achieve base motor movement (65% complete) Achieve arm motor movement (65% complete)
Future Work Work with software team on arm control software Improve performance of gripper and actuator Find different funding sources in order to implement more up to date solutions
Design Activities Worked on new motion control scheme with different H-Bridge circuits
Implementation Activities H-Bridges soldered on new PCBs Acquire new gripper actuator motor
Testing and Modification Activities Tested LM629 motion control board Tested old H-Bridge circuits Testing of new H-Bridge Circuits
Personnel Utilization Current Hours Original Estimate Revised Estimate Matt Frerichs Alex Moulin Tom Shedek Fahad Wajid498851
Financial Resources HoursRateWith Hours Matt Frerichs60.5$20.00$ Alex Moulin38$20.00$ Tom Shedek61$20.00$ Fahad Wajid49$20.00$980.00
Other Resources QuantityEstimatedActual Poster1$5.00/each$3.00/each Motion Control Components 1$62.50$0.00 Aluminum1$50.00$0.00 Machine Shop Usage 1TBD$0.00 Total$117.50$3.00/each
Summary Made progress with OSCAR’s motion control circuit Accomplished some base motion and arm motion
Work accomplished Researched new gripper design
Assembled Arm Created working CAD drawings of arm
Work accomplished Machined parts to assemble arm Designed the shoulder to attach the arm to OSCAR Assembled the arm
Future Work Improve performance of gripper and actuator Attach the arm to Oscar Continue fabricating parts Design shafts for elbow and shoulder Machine a new hand Design new arm
Summary Have completed the fabrication and assembly of OSCAR’s arm
Team Members: Daniel J. Marquis (EE – 1 st ) – team leader Hong Nguyen (EE – 2 st ) Power - Ongo-01c
Definitions DC/DC Power Supply – DC Voltage ‘A’ to DC Voltage ‘B’ DC/AC AC/DC Power Supply – DC Voltage ‘A’ to AC 120V – AC 120V to DC Voltage ‘B’
Presentation Outline Introduction – to power sub team project Project Activities – past, present, future Resources & Schedules – where we are Conclusions – results & implications
Problem Statement Primary Problem – Inefficient DC/AC AC/DC Secondary Problem –Sensors wall powered Tertiary Problem – Maintenance / Support
Intended Users & Uses Users – OSCAR team members (Software, Sensors, and Motion Control) Uses – Power OSCAR during demos (The power system is not intended to provide power to non-related devices like home theater systems, full fledged desktop computers, electric lawn mowers, and halogen lamps.)
Assumptions and Limitations Short Demonstrations Sensitive Power System Isolation Limited Battery Power
End Product(s) DC-DC power supply system for computer Power budget for OSCAR Onboard power supply for sensors (either temporary or permanent)
Previous Accomplishments DC/DC Converter Designed (Spring ‘02) DC/DC Converter Constructed (Fall ’02) Battery Sensors Installed (Fall ’02)
Present Accomplishments DC/DC Testing Commenced Power Budget Made Documentation updated & posted on web Concluded DC/DC not up to spec.
Future Required Activities Maintain Power System (ongoing) Improve Fusing (Spring 2004 & ongoing) Commercial Power Supply Evaluation (Spring 2004)
Approaches Considered and the One Used Sensor Power - Rechargeable Battery Pack - DC/AC/DC Conversion Setup - DC/DC Converter ( Future) - Run off of PC ( Used Now)
Project Definition Activities Not Applicable
Research Activities Not Applicable
Design Activities Not Applicable (though did improve the previous term’s team’s documentation)
Implementation Activities Not Applicable
Testing and Modification Activities Tested DC/DC Power Supply Tested old DC/AC AC/DC System
Other Significant Project Activities Found DC/DC Converters Created & Posted Documentation Replaced 3 DC/DC Voltage Regulators (one exploded during a DC/DC power up) Repaired Fried Traces on PC Boards
Two DC/DC Converters Inside Box
DC/DC Converters Outside of Box
Resources & Schedule
Resource 1/2 Current Hours Original Estimate Revised Estimate Daniel J. Marquis Hong Nguyen Time (as of 7 December 2003)
Resource 2/2 Money (as of 7 December 2003) ItemEstimatedActualDifference (Estimated-Actual) Project Poster (Cost to Sub-Team)$50.00$6.00$44.00 Fuses$0.00$3.00-$3.00 Voltage Regulators$0.00 TOTAL$50.00$9.00$41.00
Schedule TaskFrom Day MonthTo Day MonthLength of Time (total day) Provide Temp Power Research testing circuit (DC/DC) Testing DC/DC circuit Research testing circuit (Monitor Battery) Testing Monitor Battery Provide Power Behind due to DC/DC failures
Project Evaluation MilestonePriorityCompletion DC-DC Converters FoundHigh 100% Power Budget CreatedHigh 30% Battery Status VerifiedHigh 100% Fuse Protection Implemented / VerifiedHigh 25% DC-DC Converters TestedMedium 80% Battery Indicators VerifiedLow 0% Temp Sensor Power Solution ResearchedLow 25% Temp Sensor Power Solution Built and InstalledLow 90% Temp Sensor Power Solution TestedLow 90%
Recommendations for additional work Inline, Accessible Fuses Commercial DC/DC
Summary DC/DC DC/AC AC/DC Documentation Commercial Solution
Members: Michael Van Waardhuizen (CprE/EE – 2 nd ) – Team Leader Farrukh Mian (EE – 2 nd ) Cory Farver (CprE – 1 st ) Daniel Humke (EE – 1 st ) Faculty Advisor: Professor Ralph Patterson III Client: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University Sensors – Ongo-01d
Outline Problem Statement End Product Description Assumptions & Limitations Previous and Current Accomplishments Technical Approaches Current Activities Resources Conclusion
Definitions Azimuth The horizontal angular distance from a reference direction, usually the northern point of the horizon, usually measured clockwise. Micro-controller A microcontroller is an embedded, complete system. A microcontroller typically includes small amounts of memory, timers, and I/O ports. Basic-X24 BasicX-24 is one of the most powerful BASIC programmable microcontrollers. Thermistor A resistor made of semiconductors having resistance that varies rapidly and predictably with temperature
Problem Statements OSCAR requires functional sonar system for navigation (has not functioned since Spring 2002) Temperature sensors does not operate Compass sensor does not operate
Solution Approaches Research replacement sonar systems, compass system Test hardware components individually Simplify software components
End Product Description Functional sonar array Functional compass Functional temperature sensor Operable by on board computer without assistance
Assumptionsand Limitations Assumptions and Limitations Power system will provide adequate and stable enough power Sonar detect distances from only feet (+/- 3%) The compass sensor must be allowed 2.5 to 3.5 seconds to settle from rotational displacement
Limitations cont. The compass sensor must be positioned to have a tilt of no more than +/- 5° with respect to the ground. A successful compass reading can only be done on flat terrain. The compass sensor may have limited accuracy (+/- 5° Azimuth) due to electromagnetic interference from drive motors, computers and power supplies The sonar will not experience electromagnetic noise such that prevents proper operation
Previous Accomplishments Completed sensors system: 8 directional sonar array Compass Temperature Sensor Malfunction left unsolved, array semi- functional at end of last semester, requiring a connection board rework/replacement
Sonar System
Present Accomplishments Replacement of the microcontroller Networked OSCAR’s hard drives Researched alternative sonar system Researched alternative compass circuits Miscellaneous repairs Initial functional testing of our projects subsystems.
Future Activities Research into sensor extensibility System maintenance Replacement of compass to provide increased accuracy Mapping algorithm
Approach 1 Replacement of old system with new technology: Pros: A fresh start, re-evaluation of necessary capabilities Cons: Would require a large amount of money, brand new system isn’t guaranteed to work
Approach 2 Testing & Repair of existing circuitry Pros: Certain that system worked once, low cost Cons: Errors and bugs difficult to find, especially in hardware, existing system may break again Chose approach 2 for budgetary reasons.
Design & Implementation Activities Redesign of a connection board Replacement of microcontroller Hardware repairs for system integrity Networking of OSCAR hard drives
Testing and Modification Activities Complete testing of 3 microcontrollers to establish if replacement was necessary Testing of software for PC and microcontroller to establish operating system dependence Testing of sonar modules, compass, and temperature sensor for functionality
Personnel Utilization Current Hours Original Estimate Revised Estimate Michael VW Farrukh Mian Cory Farver Dan Humke412545
Personal Util. cont.
Financial Resources Actual Financial Costs ItemWithout LaborWith Labor Previous Semester$40.00 Sensor $ - Transducer (2) $ - Board Etching $ - Poster Printing$12.00 Miscellaneous Parts$57.00 Subtotals$ Labor at $10.75 per hour Previous Session $2, Farver, Cory $ Humke, Daniel $ Mian, Farrukh $ VanWaardhuizen, Michael $ Subtotals $5, Totals$109.00$5,233.75
Summary Sensors did not function at beginning of the semester Hardware problems mid-semester Replaced faulty hardware System works, in testing for accuracy Integration with OSCAR for navigation to come
Members: James Sweeney (CprE – 2 nd ) – team leader Abdul Nasir (CprE – 2 nd ) Patrick Jordan (CprE – 2 nd ) Jason Olson (CprE – 1 st ) Abdallah Mwita(CprE – 1 st ) Argenis Acosta (CprE – 1 st ) Software – Ongo01e
Introduction The software sub-team on OSCAR is charged with developing the software controls to OSCAR’s hardware and also creating demonstrations utilizing that hardware.
Problem Statement Create a simple software interface for OSCAR system using Java Deploy effective code and document versioning system Explore available upgrade paths, both hardware and software Ensure portability of code
Design Objectives Create new low level IO interface for Motion Control Verify that existing demonstrations work with new interface Develop new demonstration capabilities Set up system to organize all of OSCAR’s code and documentation in one repository.
Past Accomplishments Initial, functional code base Interface with Motion Control LM 629 Speech Capabilities via ViaVoice Initial arm interface code
Present Accomplishments Successful interface with sensors Delivery of new Motion Control interface Deployment of a versioning system Replacement of malfunction computer Implementation of wireless network Transition to complete Java solution
Assumptionsand Limitations Assumptions and Limitations The motion control hardware on OSCAR is functional. End-effector will be complete. Sensors are functional and interface via RS232 Sufficient resources will be available
End Product Description Code and document repository for use by entire team Code to run during OSCAR demonstrations. Documentation detailing the operation of the OSCAR software.
Approaches Considered Further development on Windows 98 Lacks device support Difficult to find programming resources Upgrade to more recent Windows OS Not designed for embedded development low level interface code difficult to create
Approach Used GNU/Linux OS based solution Growing use in undergraduate curriculum Extensive developer support Embedded versions readily available Significant assistance available from community
Research Activities OS Choice Low level IO major concern Must be easily picked up by students Motion Control Boards Simplify Motion Control interface Expensive, must find willing donor New, lower power computing solution Several solutions Cost major concern
Design and Implementation Activities Re-implementation of low level IO Re-factoring of existing software to ensure portability
Testing and Modification Modification of existing code to ensure portability Testing of Motion Control interface Testing of Sensors interface
Technical Approach Java Codebase Sensors Hardware Motion Control Hardware JNI Serial Port I/O Card
Technical Approach Java Codebase Sensors Hardware Motion Control Hardware Java Comm API
Personnel Utilization Current Hours Original Estimate Revised Estimate Jason Olson Abdul Nasir Patrick Jordan65 67 James Sweeney Abdallah Mwita Argenis Acosta646365
Resource Utilization ItemProjected CostActual Cost b Card$40$0 (on loan) Replacement Computer Unprojected$0 Poster (Entire Team) $50
Milestones Configure and deploy CVS server for team use. (100% complete) Code portable and IO tested on multiple OS’s (65% complete) Demonstration code to run during OSCAR demonstrations (50% complete)
Future Work Complete the arm code; dependent on arm construction Refinement of the speech code and demonstration code Purchase of new lower power computer
Summary CVS deployed and populated IO interface changed by Motion Control, new code developed Portability of code base reviewed Options for alternate OS paths have been evaluated Wireless access, improved interfaces on the way
Lessons Learned Importance of intra-team communication Necessity of evaluating changes effects on whole project The value of versioning systems in large group settings
Risks and Risk Management Emergent circular dependency Use of redundant development paths Team failure because of single subteam failure Created several possible development tracks that can be pursued Code or document loss Use of CVS with central backup
Closing Summary Fully functioning sensors suite Motion Control has new demonstrated functional interface Software has deployed new low level code for new Motion Control interface Demos will be ready after testing and revision on new low level code, returning OSCAR to a functional state