Match the Main Idea Main Idea and Details Primary Reading CCSS: 1-2.RI.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text. Review the concept of main idea with students before they complete the station activity. Include a copy of the anchor charts at the station. Be sure to run on cardstock and laminate for durability. What’s included: □ Task Card in WORD (click on slide to open in WORD for editing OR open separate TASK CARD DOC on the website)) □ Anchor Charts □ Student Activity Cards for self or partner directed work □ Answer Key for self-checking □ Technology Connection: Copyright © 2013 Innovative Educational Programs. Reproduction rights granted to CHILD Teachers and permitted only for use as instructional material.
Main Idea What the story is mostly about Before Reading Look at the title. Predict what the story will be about. During Reading Look for things that are repeated or have something in common. After Reading Think about what you’ve read. Summarize by asking yourself “What was the most important thing?”
boy girl man cow dog cat pizza ham hotdog bird airplane helicopter pencil pen marker March April May sing talk whisper rose apple lips buzz ding chirp
People AnimalsThings you eat Things that flyThings you use to write with Months in the spring Things you do with your mouth Things that are red Sounds
ring bracelet necklace leaves trunk branches Poodle Beagle Retriever parent cousin aunt soccer tennis baseball keyboard mouse monitor turtle crocodile snake Easter Labor Day Hanukkah clowns tightrope trapeze
jewelry Parts of a treeTypes of dogs relativessports Parts of a computer reptilesholidays Things at a circus
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