Всероссийский интернет-конкурс педагогического творчества (2014/15 учебный год) Номинация конкурса: «Организация праздников и мероприятий в средних учебных заведениях». Название работы: Millions of Cats (сценарий мюзикла для 5-6 классов на английском языке) Автор: Стрекалова Елена Николаевна Место выполнения работы: МОУ СОШ № 13 города Королёва Московской области ул. Терешковой, д.7, г. Королёв, Московская область,
Сценарий мюзикла на английском языке (представление для младших школьников) Цель : знакомство с английским фольклором, музыкальным фольклором; воспитание интереса к изучению английского языка, интереса к музыке; художественно-эстетическое воспитание.
Millions of Cats (musical) Составители : Зарецкая Лилия Ивановна, учитель английского языка Стрекалова Елена Николаевна, учитель музыки
Scene 1 NARRATOR: Once upon a time there lived a very old man and a very old woman. They lived in a nice clean house which had flowers all round it.
Scene 2 OLD WOMAN : (sings) Are you sleeping? (2) Dear John! (2) Morning bells are ringing! (2) Ding-ding-dong! (2)
OLD MAN : I’m getting up. OLD WOMAN : Listen, John, we are not happy. OLD MAN : Not happy? Why? OLD WOMAN : Because we are so very lonely... If only we had a cat! OLD WOMAN : Yes, a sweet little cat. OLD MAN: I will get you a cat, my dear! Scene 2
OLD MAN : A cat? OLD WOMAN : Yes, a sweet little cat. OLD MAN: I will get you a cat, my dear! Scene 2
Scene 3 NARRATOR: And he went over the hills to look for one. Old man (goes and sings) : One, two, three I like cats And cats like me (4)
NARRATOR: He walked a long, long time and came to a hill which was covered with cats. OLD MAN : Cats here, cats there, cats and kittens everywhere, hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats. Scene 4
Cats (sing all together) : This cat is big That cat is small This cat is black That cat is grey But poor old John has no cat at all We often drink milk and play every day Big, small, black, grey But poor old John has no cat at all We often drink milk and play every day Scene 5
5 cats (dance and sing): Five little cats are Are playing on the floor One runs away And now there are four Four little cats are Are playing on the floor All run away And now there are no Scene 6
OLD MAN: Now, I can choose the prettiest cat and take it home with me. Cat, would you like to play with me? Scene 7
OLD MAN (sings) : I ask a little cat ‘Will you play with me?’ ‘Oh, no’, said little cat. Oh, no”, said he. CAT 1 (sings) : Where is my milk? Where is my cup, so new? I want to eat and drink. I cannot play with you. Scene 7
OLD MAN: You are white. You are nice. Would you like to come with me? CAT 1: Yes, yes! Scene 7
NARRATOR: But other cats also wanted to live at home and they started the casting.
CAT 2 (sings) : I am a little cat And my name is Jack. My head is white And my ears are black. Scene 8
CAT 3 (sings) : I am a little Pussy And my coat is grey I’ll live in the house And I’ll never run away. Scene 9
CAT 4 (sings): My cat is black My cat is fat My cat likes rats Rats are grey and fat. Scene 10
CAT 5 (sings): I am tall like a house I am small like a mouse I am big like a tree And now look at me, look at me! Scene 11
NARRATOR : So it happened that every time the old man looked up he saw another cat which was so pretty, and he chose them all. He went back to show all his pretty cats to the very old woman.
Cats and OLD MAN (go and sing) : Cats : 1,2,3,4,5 OLD MAN: Once I caught a cat alive Cats: 6,7,8,9,10 OLD MAN: Then I let it go again. Cats: Why did you let it go? OLD MAN: Because it bit my finger so. Cats: Which finger did it bite? OLD MAN: This little finger on the right. Cats: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Scene 12
NARRATOR: The very old woman saw them coming.
OLD WOMAN : My dear! What are you doing? I asked for one little cat, And what do I see? Cats here, cats there, cats and kittens everywhere, hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats. Scene 13
All (sing the song) : The more we are together, together, together The more we are together, the happier we are For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we are together, the happier we are. Final Scene
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ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1.Millions of Cats. (Adapted from a story by Wanda Ga’g) В книге для чтения к учебнику английского языка «Счастливый английский. Книга 1» для 5-6 классов средней школы. Составители Т.Б. Клементьева, Б. Монк. Москва «Просвещение» Galina Dolya «Happy English» Eng-Рус 1992