Click to edit Master subtitle style 2012/13 SITA Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Police 22 May 2012
Scope Context Focus for SITA as a Prime Systems Integrator (PSI) PSI value to the SAPS Initiatives to deliver the PSI value to SAPS Programmes that support the key initiatives SITA Service Strategy SITA Service Level Per Tier Proposed Classification of each of SAPS IT services per Tier Projected 2012/13 Budget for SITA services in line with the proposed tiers for SAPS Initiatives under consideration for implementation within SAPS 22
CONTEXT SITA is in the 3rd Year and final year of implementing its Turn-Around Strategy During this Turn-Around period, SITA sought to re-position itself as a Prime Systems Integrator for the public service in line with its mandate Through this re-positioning, SITA is now more geared to bring value for money to the business of government through the use of information technology. 33
FOCUS FOR SITA AS A PRIME SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR (PSI) 1. Reduce the cost of doing business with government 2. Enable the public service to serve the citizens faster and better 3. Enable convenience to the citizens through e-services 4. Enable the fight against corruption and improve public sector accountability 5. Contribute towards job creation through supporting the growth of an indigenous ICT industry 44
PSI VALUE TO THE SAPS 1. Enable smarter policing through the harmonisation (convergence) of the ICT systems within the police 2. Enable effective and efficient crime investigation 3. Enable improved accessibility of police services by the citizens through technology 55
INITIATIVES TO DELIVER THE PSI VALUE TO SAPS 1. Enabling Smarter Policing (a) Development of the Integrated Case Document Management System (ICDMS) popularly known as e-Docket The 2nd Phase of the system was rolled-out to 20 police stations during 2011/12 financial year (FY) and the functionality available to date includes: The ability to scan case dockets The ability to register and view cases as well as to update case dockets on the system Ability to add entry to investigation diary Ability to assign case to a unit or person e-Docket backbone deployed to 20 sites in 2011/12 The following functionalities will be added to the e-Docket system in 2012/13 FY with plans to further roll-out to 40 priority sites Station Commander dashboard Register a case through e-Statement (enter case directly on the system, instead of scanning a hard copy) 66
INITIATIVES TO DELIVER THE PSI VALUE TO SAPS cont. 1. Enabling Smarter Policing cont. (b) Roll out of the National Network Upgrade Programme (NNUP) To run the various applications such as e-Docket at all police stations requires an appropriate network to be deployed at those sites. SITA has been upgrading the network at SAPS determined police stations or sites since 2005 The number of police stations or sites upgraded is determined by the funding availed from the SAPS Progress with the network upgrade programme is noted in the Table below: 77 YearFunds AvailedPolice stations/ sites upgraded R325.1 m /2009R248.3 m /2010R518.5 m /2011R460.0 m314 (Telkom lines outstanding in XX police stations) 2011/2012R285.0 m186 TOTALR m / +R1.8 billion1546
INITIATIVES TO DELIVER THE PSI VALUE TO SAPS cont. Enabling Smarter Policing cont. (c) 2012/13 SITA has plans to modernise the SAPS legacy systems as we commence the programme to harmonise (converge) the various SAPS systems. Through this initiative, SITA plans to web-enable the front end of the mainframe-based legacy systems such as PAS, Circulation, CAS and CRIM (d) In 2012/ 13 SITA plans to deploy an Integrated Desktop Management Solution to improve police station efficiency and effectiveness through ICT. 88
INITIATIVES TO DELIVER THE PSI VALUE TO SAPS cont. 2. Enable effective and efficient crime investigation a) SITA maintains twenty three (23) systems/applications that are used for crime investigation, crime administration and SAPS enterprise resource planning. This entails: Enhancing and expanding the functionality of these systems when the business requirements of the SAPS deems fit Reporting, data analysis and availing business intelligence based on information on the systems 3. Enabling improved accessibility of police services (a) Enable the effective participation of community policing forums in the fight against crime SITA plans to consult with SAPS on the possibility of extending the e- Docket Dashboard that will be available to station commanders to community policing forums, of course within the realms of what SAPS determines as enablers to their partnership with the police on the fight against crime. 99
PROGRAMMES THAT SUPPORT THE KEY INITIATIVES 1. Network Services a) Provide network connectivity services, inclusive of voice, data and video (video is limited between Pretoria and Cape Town) b) Provide the local area network services for SAPS including all ICT devices c) The Network Services are managed through the following SLAs: Network Support Services and Decentralised Support Services 1. Hosting a) To provide hosting and printing services for all the SAPS applications to ensure availability of all SAPS applications to enable SAPS service delivery b) The Hosting service is managed through the Centralised Data Processing Services SLA 1. Applications Development and Maintenance a) To develop new applications or perform enhancements or expansion on existing applications when requested by SAPS or propose such enhancements or expansions for purpose of application and business requirements optimisation b) Application Development and Maintenance is managed through the Application Maintenance Services SLA 1010
PROGRAMMES THAT SUPPORT THE KEY INITIATIVES cont. 4. Transversal Systems a) To provide SAPS with access to the movement control system database (Dept of Home Affairs); and b) To enable the migration of PERSAL source code for storage to SAPS mainframe to provide for availability of updated personnel record in line with general government personnel records c) Access to Transversal systems service is managed through the Bureau Services SLA 1111
SITA SERVICE STRATEGY SITA has adopted a Service Strategy that seeks to improve the management of SITA services by clients In terms of this Service Strategy all SITA services are graded in tiers with service performance standards of each tier. The service tiers range from bronze to platinum services However due to the nature of certain services, some services are only provided only from gold service level The service tier chosen determines the price of the service offering 1212
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 1313 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Network Support Services GoldDedicated VPN services 99% Carrier Provider Availability 99% Carrier Provider Reachability 95% of calls will be responded to within response times rolled up across all priorities as follows: Critical: 2 Hrs High: 2 Hrs Medium: 2 Hrs Low: 2 Hrs Access link infrastructure 97% Access Link Availability 97% Access Link Reachability 95% of calls will be responded to within response times rolled up across all priorities as follows: Critical: 8 Hrs High: 8 Hrs Medium: 8 Hrs Low: 8 Hrs
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 1414 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Network Support Services (Continued) Gold Customer Edge Router Management 99% Site Router Availability 99% Site Router Reachability 95% of calls will be responded to within response times rolled up across all priorities as follows: Critical: 4 Hrs High: 4 Hrs Medium: 4 Hrs Low: 4 Hrs Quality of Service % per QoS Class (as defined by client): Network Control Voice, Video Mission Critical Transactional Scavenger Best Effort (Default) Network Management Services 99.5% Availability of Network Management services
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 1515 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Decentralised Support Services Platinum Desktop & Hardware Support / Cabling Maintenance & Management / Incident Resolution 95% of calls will be resolved within resolution times rolled up across all priorities as follows: Critical: 4 Hrs (24 x 7) High: 6 Hrs (Normal Business Hours) Medium: 10 Hrs (Normal Business Hours) Low: 24 Hrs (Normal Business Hours) Server & Unified Communications Support Services Minimum of 98% average availability of Servers. Backup Services Minimum average of 95% availability of onsite backup services Average of 95% successful backups Implementation Services 100% delivery as per agreed project plans Switch Support Services Minimum of 98% average availability of switches Configuration Management Monthly and Quarterly report on all contracted infrastructure
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 1616 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Decentralised Support Services (Continued) Platinum Mobile services 24 hours x 7 8 hours x 5 Mission Critical: MTTR 2hrs Critical: MTTR 4hrs High: MTTR 6hrs Medium: MTTR 10hrs Low: MTTR 24hrs Workday’s excluding public holidays Time & Material:5 working days to provide a quotation. If the quotation cannot be delivered in the 5 working days an acceptable time must be negotiated with the client. LAN Security Management Average availability of the services: 85% Patch distribution 85% SP distribution 85% Dat distribution 85% desktop firewall distribution 85% AV installation 85% Security device availability 85% Security Device Update
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 1717 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Decentralised Support Services (Continued) Platinum Server / Switching & Unified Messaging Management Minimum monthly average of 90% availability of Servers. Desktop Management Services Minimum average of 85% availability of the services. Backup Managed Services Minimum of 85% average availability of the services. 85% average of successful backups
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 1818 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Bureau ServicesGold Program Malfunctions / Routine maintenance / Data Corrections 95% of calls to be resolved within the resolution times rolled up across all priorities for Program Malfunctions as follows: Critical: 4 Hrs High: 6 Hrs Medium: 8 Hrs Low: 24 Hrs
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 1919 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Application Development and Maintenance Services Configured (Aligned to customer requirements) Application Component Build 95% of components built according to design models. Database Build 95 % the physical DB implementation built according to the data model. Integrate Application +95 % of components fully interoperable according to requirements Package Release 95 % of packages released according to project plan 95%Number of faults experienced during package build Functional Testing 95 % of test components according to pre defined requirements
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 2020 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Application Development and Maintenance Services Configured (Aligned to customer requirements) Technical Testing 95% quality rating of customer expectation to the delivered products Test Strategy development 95% of test components according to pre defined requirements Testing Management 95% of test components according to pre defined requirements Integrate Database changes, Development and Web Services 95% of components fully interoperable according to requirements
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 2121 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Application Development and Maintenance Services Configured (Aligned to customer requirements) System functionality assessment / Requirement development & Management / Interface management / Advisory services / Data analysis / Business process management / Quality management / Management information / Product and process quality assurance / Work monitoring and control / Implementation support / Skills development / Cataloguing / Data Capturing / Updating data / Running results / Certification of data / Data Auditing / Master Data Management / Access Management 95% of calls will be responded on within the resolution times rolled up across all priorities as follows: Critical: (4) Hrs High: (6) Hrs Medium: (8) Hrs Low: (24) Hrs
PROPOSED CLASSIFICATION OF EACH OF SAPS IT SERVICES PER TIER 2222 Name of ServiceProposed Service Grade Applicable Service Levels Centralised Data Processing Services Gold Operating system updates / Application updates / Server monitoring / Simple Network Management Protocol hardware monitoring / Application monitoring / Technical support / Firewall services / Antivirus updates / Security audits / Intrusion detection / Backups and restoration / DNS hosting service / Load balancing / Database administration / Performance tuning / Software installation and configuration / User management / Programming consultation / Disaster recovery services (optional) / Licensing 24 X 7 : 99% System Availability
23 PROJECTED 2012/2013 SOR SITA SERVICES IN LINE WITH THE PROPOSED SERVICE GRADES Total value excludes ad-hoc funded projects 2323
INITIATIVES UNDER CONSIDERATION to be IMPLEMENTED WITHIN SAPS IN 2012/13 Introduction of remote infrastructure management system (RIMS) – this will contribute to the reduction of the cost of maintaining the SAPS IT devices and bring efficiencies as provided for in the DSS SLA. Proposed deployment of the voice-over- IP (VOIP) which will result in approximately 35% savings on voice calls in year 1. Consolidation of the SAPS network back into the government network that will provide SAPS access to disaster recovery and improve network availability Establishment of SAPS/SITA ICT Governance committee to develop a SAPS enterprise architecture and provide requirement gathering, analysis and consolidation into technical requirement to SAPS Integrated security solution as part of improve the ICT security architecture for all SAPS applications and infrastructure Support the SAPS in the deployment of the war rooms SITA tasked by the DPSA has developed an electronic disclosure system (e- Disclosure) to enable the declaration of business interests for members of the senior- management service (sms) staff within the public service. MPSA in consultation with relevant stakeholders is considering the expansion of the spectrum of public servants who must use this system to declare their business interests. This system can also be used by the SAPS in the fight against corruption within the public service. 2424
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