PROBABILITIES We want to calculate probabilities and values for general normal probability distributions We can relate these problems to calculations for the standard normal in the previous section
Z-SCORE For a general normal random variable X with mean μ and standard deviation σ, the variable has a standard normal probability distribution We can use this relationship to perform calculations for X
Z-SCORE Values of X Values of Z If x is a value for X, then is a value for Z This is a very useful relationship
EXAMPLE ● For example, if μ = 3 σ = 2 then a value of x = 4 for X corresponds to a value of z = 0.5 for Z
RELATIONSHIPS ●Because of this relationship Values of X Values of Z Then P(X < x) = P(Z < z) ●To find P(X < x) for a general normal random variable, we could calculate P(Z < z) for the standard normal random variable
Z IS X ●With this relationship, the following method can be used to compute areas for a general normal random variable X Shade the desired area to be computed for X Convert all values of X to Z-scores using Solve the problem for the standard normal Z (Section 7.2 Stuff) The answer will be the same for the general normal X
EXAMPLE ●For a general random variable X with μ = 3 σ = 2 calculate P(X < 6) ● This corresponds to so P(X < 6) = P(Z < 1.5) = Hint…Normalcdf(small, z, 0,1)
EXAMPLE ●For a general random variable X with μ = –2 σ = 4 calculate P(X > –3 ) ● This corresponds to so P(X > –3 ) = P(Z > –0.25 ) = Hint…(right hand) Normalcdf(z, big number,0,1)
BETWEEN ●For a general random variable X with μ = 6 σ = 4 calculate P(4 < X < 11) ● This corresponds to so P(4 < X < 11) = P( – 0.5 < Z < 1.25) = Hint…Normalcdf(smaller z,bigger z,0,1)
INVERSE The inverse of the relationship is the relationship With this, we can compute value problems for the general normal probability distribution
INVERSE ●The following method can be used to compute values for a general normal random variable X Shade the desired area to be computed for X Find the Z-scores for the same probability problem Convert all the Z-scores to X using This is the answer for the original problem
EXAMPLE ●For a general random variable X with μ = 3 σ = 2 find the value x such that P(X < x) = 0.3 Find the Z that corresponds to.3 (InvNorm,.3,0,1) = ● Since P(Z < –0.5244) = 0.3, we calculate so P(X < 1.95) = P(Z < –0.5244) = 0.3
NOTICE THE GREATER THAN!! ●For a general random variable X with μ = –2 σ = 4 find the value x such that P(X > x ) = 0.2 Since it is a “Righthand” we must use or.8 in our invNorm(.8,0,1) = so P(X > 1.37 ) = P(Z > ) = 0.2
SAME OLD Tough Stuff…work hard on this!