NUSTAR Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, Reactions NUSTAR is the biggest collaboration in FAIR The collaboration unites 450 scientists from 98 institutions of 27 countries. NUSTAR is a continuation of the research program currently running at GSI where Russian institutes are actively participating. НАУЧНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ СЕМИНАР, СОВМЕ-ЩЕННЫЙ С ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫМ АКТОМ ОТКРЫТИЯ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬ- СКОГО ЦЕНТРА FAIR- РОСАТОМ июня 2008 Л.В. Чулков РНЦ «Курчатовский Институт»
Some Burning Issues The Neutron Dripline The Proton Dripline The Nuclear Mass Surface Particle Radioactivity Nuclei with Extreme Isospin Nuclei with Extreme Spin Super heavies r - process Path rp - process Path Shell structure. New magic numbers Halos- Continuum Structure Proton-neuron Pairing Unusual Type of Clasterization
Interplay between nuclear structure and reaction mechanism Energy per nucleon, MeV Fusion Elastic scattering Inelastic scattering\ Quasi-free scattering Compound nucleus Direct reactions Transfer reactions Charge exchange Deep inelastic Electromagnetic dissociation Cluster or nucleon knockout Cross section -2n -0n -1n BfBf
More than 15 years of collaboration with Russian institutes Existing facilities for studies with exotic nuclei. γ-spectrometer Crystal Ball Large-area high-efficiency neutron detector LAND Large dipole spectrometer ALADIN Main features of the existing FRS/LAND setup will be preserved in the future R3B setup.
FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research 100 m UNILAC SIS 18 SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR GSI today Future facility FAIR Future facility FAIR ESR NUSTAR
The NUSTAR facility HiSpec :gamma spec DeSpec :decay spec LASPEC: laser spec MATS: Penning traps R 3 B: reactions Stored beam (rings): EXL : hadron scattering ELISe : electron scattering AIC : antiproton scattering ILIMA – mass measurements Exotic (radioactive) beams formed by fragmentation, selected by separator. Super FRS
H. Geissel et al. NIM B 204 (2003) 71 Comparison of FRS and Super-FRS Pre- and Main separator high purity Superconducting - 20 Tm Large acceptance even for fission products: Dp/p = ± 2.5%, DF x = ± 40 mrad, DF y = ± 20 mrad BINP, Novosibirsk
Superconducting dipole spectrometer. R3B Existing dipole spectrometer ALADIN New large-acceptance superconducting spectrometer Under construction.
Neutron Energy (MeV) Nucl. Instr. Meth. A314 (1992) 136 LArge Neutron Detector LAND NeuLAND in FAIR NeuLAND based on RPC PNPI – neutron detectors for R3B and EXL projects
CsI Calorimeter R3B Existing γ-spectrometer New calorimeter based on CsI crystals 5000 crystals cm JINR & RRC Kurchatov Institute
Experiments at the NESR storage ring EXL Completely new setup. Shells from Si- detectors, surrounded by γ-spectrometer based on CsI crystals. Silicon detectors – PTI CsI γ-spectrometer –JINR & RRC Kurchatov Institute
Electron-Ion scattering in a Storage Ring (eA Collider) ELISe MeV electrons MeV/u RIBs achievable luminosity: cm -2 s -1 depending on ion species - spectrometer setup at the interaction zone - detection system for RI in the arcs of the NESR (see EXL) Physics goals Charge distribution of exotic nuclei (radius, diffuseness, higher moments...) req. luminosity: > cm -2 s -1 Selective electromagnetic excitation plus spectroscopy, fission,... studies. Full identification of electric & magnetic multipolarities and of the final state ( new collective soft modes) req. luminosity: about cm -2 s -1 Quasi-free scattering (single-particle structure) req. luminosity: about cm -2 s -1 Pointlike particle Pure electromagnetic probe formfactors F(q) elastic scattering F(q) transition formfactors high selectivity to certain multipolarities inelastic scattering Large recoil velocities full identification (Z,A) complete kinematics Bare ions (no atomic bg.)
Electron spectrometer. ELISe. Electron beam Ion beam 100 cm Vertical drift chambers BINP – electron spectrometer INR RAS & RRC Kurchatov Institute - detectors
Summary and Outlook The NUSTAR Facility with the Super-FRS covers a wide range of topics concerning the investigation of exotic nuclei in the areas of: Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Astrophysics, Nuclear Reactions NUSTAR will address fundamental questions concerning: –the Structure und Dynamics of atomic nucleus as many-body system –the Nature of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction relevant components, isospin dependence, correlations, EQS of nuclear matter –Nuclear Astrophysics and the Origin of the Elements The Super-FRS is part of the first stage of FAIR construction There will be a continuous transition from the current FRS program were Russian scientists already actively participating to the future activities at FAIR opening new exciting perspectives