Moving Beyond Biodiesel Commercializing Advanced Biofuels in Truck Fleets Today Colin Huwyler, CEO November 11, 2014
2 Current Situation: Biodiesel adoption has “stalled.” 11M U.S. diesel trucks still need to: –Reduce fuel costs. –Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. –Increase use of domestic & sustainable fuels. CNG and LNG options are weak. Biofuel industry needs to jumpstart next generation solutions.
3 Regional Fleets Biofuel Partner Pure Biofuel that meets Optimus’ Standard Optimus Vector conversion system EPA certifications for combination of Vector with Optimus-Grade Biofuel The Total Solution:
4 Reduce fuel costs up to 25% with payback in less than one year Reduce lifecycle GHG emissions over 80% Much easier than CNG or LNG Allows existing biofuel providers to significantly grow their businesses with an additional source of revenue The Results:
5 Defined –Mechanically refined triglycerides Common Sources –Distillers’ corn oil –Yellow grease –Other plant oils Providers –Biodiesel refiners –Ethanol refiners –Renderers/Grease collectors The Optimus Fuel:
6 Optimus Fuel Process: 1 USDA Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News, 10/24/14, Yellow Grease - Central US 2 The Feasibility of Producing and Using Biomass-Based Diesel and Jet Fuel in the United States, Milbrandt, Kinchin, and McCormick - National Renewable Energy Laboratory 3 iBid **Cost estimates on a per gallon basis** Feedstock ~ Mechanical Refining ~$.30 Optimus Grade Biofuel $2.07 Chemical Processing ~$.77 2 Biodiesel - B100 $2.54 Hydroprocessing ~$ Renewable Diesel $3.15 Process/CostProduct
7 $9k retrofit Volumetric efficiency 1x Utilizes existing stations Defaults to diesel if biofuel unavailable Serviceable by any diesel mechanic $9k retrofit Volumetric efficiency 1x Utilizes existing stations Defaults to diesel if biofuel unavailable Serviceable by any diesel mechanic $ k retrofit Volumetric efficiency.25x $1-6 MM fueling stations Limited fuel access restricts range Requires CNG-certified mechanic and facility $ k retrofit Volumetric efficiency.25x $1-6 MM fueling stations Limited fuel access restricts range Requires CNG-certified mechanic and facility Comparison:
8 Optimus provides a much faster payback than CNG for any size fleet or consumption rate/vehicle Key Assumptions: BiofuelCNG Fuel Station Conversion: $150k$2000k Fuel Savings/Equiv.Gal: $1$2 Vehicle Conversion: $9k$70k Comparison:
9 EPA certifications –Per engine basis NREL messages Re: Pure biofuels –Based on research from the 1980’s Fuel availability –End user assurance before technology investment CNG propaganda machine –Not a “Clean” or “Green” solution –Reversing progress made to slow climate change Challenges:
10 Expand biofuel partner network Increase # of EPA certifications Educate market Implement solutions with diesel engine OEMs Next Steps:
11 Thank you! Colin Huwyler, CEO Optimus Technologies
12 The Optimus Vector System is a bi-fuel solution that enables a truck to run exclusively on advanced biofuels. To optimize fuel savings and emission performance, the Vector System powers the engine on renewable fuel 100% of the time other than startup and shutdown. It allows fallback to diesel operation if necessary. Product:
13 The City of Pittsburgh Public Works has implemented the Vector System on trucks used for road maintenance and snow removal operations. The vehicles have run more than 85% of the time, even on the coldest of days, on locally sourced biofuel. “We are very impressed and very happy with the Vector systems’ operations, especially during the harsh winter we just had,” said Paul Ostrowski, fleet contract manager for the Office of Management and Budget. Case Study:
14 -78% -11% Lifecycle GHG Emissions vs. Diesel +20% Comparison:
15 Fuel Availability: Biodiesel (B5+) Stations Accessed 10/23/14http://