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THANK YOU for your interest in serving as a CIT at EMPOWER CAMP! First of all…
Your interest in serving as a CIT communicates to us that you had a wonderful experience at EMPOWER CAMP yourself! If you didn’t have a great experience, it is doubtful you would wish to return!
We have more people interested in serving as a EMPOWER CAMP CIT than we have positions available. You probably already know this…
1)On the school website, next to the Power Point, you will find EMPOWER CAMP application. 2)Download the application by saving it your hard drive. 3)Complete the application (type), then print it and return it to the office before April 2, 2012
WHO CAN APPLY? Any student who has been promoted from Pueblo who has attended EMPOWER CAMP and had a meaningful experience while attending.
WHAT IS ON THE APPLICATION? In addition to the customary information such as, name, address, phone number, etc. you be will ask you to answer some questions regarding your experience at EMPOWER CAMP and what you think you can provide as a staff member.
WILL THERE BE A PERSONAL INTERVIEW? There may or may not be a personal interview…be prepared for the interview if you are asked.
YOU WILL ALSO BE ASKED TO SUBMIT TO A BACKGROUND CHECK… This is completed by an independent agency with your consent and your parents consent. Results are kept confidential and are only seen by Ms. Julie.
Who Makes the Decision as to whether or not I am selected?
The decision is made by Ms. Julie and her selected advisors (teachers) who have attended EMPOWER CAMP personally and recognize EMPOWER CAMPs goals and objectives.
HOW is the decision made? As with any application process for any position, we will try to “get the best fit”. This base on the following: The example you set as a EMPOWER CAMP delegate. The quality of your application responses. The quality of your interview responses if interviewed. Clearance of your background check Attendance to training sessions The quality of your reference letters.
What happens if I am selected?
THERE ARE TWO SESSIONS BEING OFFERED THIS YEAR! Session 1: Students leave will leave Thursday November 6 th - at 4:05. and return back to school on Sunday, November 9 th around 3:00 PM Session 2: You will leave November 9 th - Sunday morning - from school at 9:30 am and return back to school on Tuesday, November 11 th around 3:00 PM. If you don’t have transportation, you can ride the bus. If you cannot make the session offered, we cannot guarantee a spot in the other session.
You will be required to attend 2 training sessions… One of the training sessions will be offered twice to accommodate busy schedules. (chose one) The other one will be offered only once. These dates will be provided to you months in advance.
Will it Cost me Money?
Will it cost me money? CITS will be asked to pay an amount that is half the cost of the campers (deligates). Once you work your way up to a counselor role, you it will not cost you a cent!
You will get practical experience: Application completion Communication skills Gain experiences to share on a resume Leadership skills Volunteer hours
You will get… Transportation on a nice Food and snacks for three days Lodging for three days A T-Shirt
You will Gain Confidence
Receive valuable training in how to interact, support and help people from various backgrounds and life situations…and increase their confidence!
You will get an incredible opportunity to: Serve people and impact people’s lives!
Change the world by helping one person at a time!