Transportation Research Board Richard Cunard, P.E. Engineer of Traffic & Ops
Congestion Increasingly congested facilities across all modes
Addressing Congestion New Road Capacity Increase Transit Options Improved Land Use Coordination and Collaboration Improve System Operations More Sophisticated User Fees Better Information Public Investment in Freight Efficiency
Emergencies Vulnerability to terrorist strikes and natural disasters
Energy and Environment Extraordinary challenges
Equity Burdens on the disadvantaged
Finance Inadequate revenues
Human and Intellectual Capital Inadequate investment in innovation
Infrastructure Enormous, aging capital stock to maintain
Institutions 20th Century Institutions Mismatched to 21st Century Missions
Safety Lost leadership in road safety
87th Annual Meeting Jan. 13–17, 2008 Only 212 days to go!
TRB Annual Meeting Over 10,000 attendees Over 550 sessions 3,200+ presentations 425 TRB committee meetings 500+ other meetings
TRB Annual Meeting All levels of government, industry, academia 40% government (1,300 State; 1,500 Fed) 23% private sector 25% universities (1350 Students)
TRB Annual Meeting is International >1100 attendees from more than 67 countries outside U.S. >550 presentations from 50+ countries outside U.S. >20 sessions dedicated to international issues
Compendium CD-ROM ~1,800 Papers
87th Annual Meeting January 13-17, 2008 Washington, DC Theme: Partnerships for Progress in Transportation
87th Annual Meeting New This Year: Commercial Exhibits & Sponsorship
Simulation Modeling and Analysis for Traffic Evacuation VII and CICAS: Current Status and Future Research Needs The National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management - Safety, Clearance, and Communications Human Factor Workshops (Billboards) Workshops at TRB 2008
Intersection Design, Safety and Operations VII – Pathway to the future Role of Simulation in Engineering Analysis Incident Management Traffic Signal Dilemma-Zone Control Benefits of ITS Systems Access Management Sessions at TRB 2008
New Dual Deadlines for Submittal
Highway Capacity Manual 2000
Selected Recent Publications TRR 1978: Traffic Signal Systems and Regional Systems Management TRR 1973: Traffic Control Devices, Visibility, and Rail-Highway Grade Crossings
TRB e-Newsletter (Distributed to over 25,000 persons/week) TRB News New TRB Publications Upcoming TRB Meetings and Conferences Federal Research News University Research News International Research News In the Know
New! -- TRB Webinars Make info available to those who cannot attend our major meetings and conferences. Attend right at your desk ~90 minutes in length PDH available Hot topics
Example Webinar
Research in Progress (RiP)
TRB Conferences
TRB Conferences 18th Visibility Symposium, College Station, TX, April 17-18, 2007 (Papers on web) Freeway and Tolling Operations in the Americas, May 20-22, 2007, Houston, TX (Papers on web) 3rd Urban Street Symposium, June 24-27, 2007, Seattle, WA (CD available)
TRB Conferences Workshop on VII and CICAS – Research Needs, July 22-25, 2007, San Jose, CA Third International Conference on Performance Measurement, October 9, 2007, Irvine, CA
TRB Conferences - Future National Roundabout Conference, May 2008 Regional Traffic Monitoring Workshop, Spring 2008 8th National Access Management Conference, Fall, 2008, Baltimore, MD Freeway and Tolling Operations, June 2009, Hawaii
Research to Address the Sources of Travel Time Reliability: Building a Foundation and Institutional Setting for Operations Integrating Operations in Agency Decision Making Developing Improved Operational Strategies
Current Projects: Analytic Procedures for Determining the Impacts of Reliability Improvement Strategies Institutional Architectures to Advance Operational Strategies
Thanks! Richard Cunard, P.E.
Transportation Research Board Cooperative Research Programs Ray Derr
Changes Chris Jenks is the new division director; Crawford Jencks will be managing NCHRP New Programs Strategic Highway Research Program 2 Strategic Highway Research Program 2 Airport Cooperative Research Program Airport Cooperative Research Program Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program National Cooperative Freight Research Program National Cooperative Freight Research Program
Selected New Publications NCHRP Digest 318: An Expert System for Recommending Speed Limits in Speed Zones NCHRP Report 572: Roundabouts in the United States NCHRP Web-Only Document 97: Guide to Effective Freeway Performance Measurement: Final Report and Guidebook TCRP 112/NCHRP 562: Improving Pedestrian Safety at Unsignalized Crossings NCHRP Synthesis 356: Pavement Markings— Design and Typical Layout Details
New NCHRP Projects 3-89Right-Turn Interactions and Channelized Right- Turns ($500,000) 3-90Traffic Signal System Control for Congested Conditions ($600,000) 3-91Guidance for the Provision of Left-Turn Lanes at Unsignalized Intersections ($350,000) 3-92Production of the Year 2010 Highway Capacity Manual ($1,000,000) 3-93Automated Enforcement for Speeding and Red Light Running ($150,000) 22-25Design Layout and Placement Guidance for Cable Barrier Systems ($400,000)
NCHRP Projects (cont.) Syn.Pavement Marking Warranty Specifications ($100,000) LegalLiability Aspects of Bikeway Designation Updated ($50,000) QuickDevelopment of a Guide to Update ADA Transition Plans ($100,000) QuickTraffic Control Devices for Roundabouts ($90,000) QuickObserved Minimum Thresholds of LED (Light Emitting Diodes) Traffic Signals ($74,500)
NCHRP Continuations 03-60Capacity and Quality of Service of Interchange Ramp Terminals ($200,000) 03-66Traffic Signal State Transition Logic Using Enhanced Sensor Information ($400,000) 03-79Measuring and Predicting the Performance of Automobile Traffic on Urban Streets ($225,000) 17-26Methodology to Predict the Safety Performance of Urban and Suburban Arterials ($100,000) 17-29Methodology to Predict the Safety Performance of Rural Multilane Highways ($100,000) 17-31Human Factors Guidelines for Road Systems— Phase 2 ($100,000) 17-32Guidance for the Design and Application of Shoulder and Centerline Rumble Strips ($200,000)
SCOR Desires for 2009 NCHRP Research problem statements should support AASHTO committee/subcommittee strategic plans Research problem statements should support the AASHTO Strategic Plan and Vision Research problem statements should address immediate needs and long term vision Problem statements should be ranked by the appropriate AASHTO committee/subcommittee Subgroup problem statements should be ranked by the parent committee/subcommittee Staged research submittals (e.g., to develop a new manual) should include a plan showing future submittals Committees/subcommittees should identify the top 2 or 3 issues they face