TKM Essay Reviewing / Revising Thesis Statements and Topic Sentences.
Overall Notes/ Findings. Please adhere to page lengths. If the assignment calls for four pages, then you must complete four pages. Work at offering stronger paragraph organization and the length of the essay will cease to be a problem. When you write a critical essay about literature, please remember to maintain present tense throughout the paper. Please avoid any kind of shift in tense. Please remember to keep “you” (and me) out of your papers. Please avoid ALL personal pronouns in your writing. We will discuss this more on Monday when we talk about Introductions and Conclusions. Please avoid rhetorical questions. They are no longer appropriate at the high school level, and certainly not acceptable at the college level.
Topic Sentences. When you begin a new paragraph, you should always work to write a topic sentence that connects the evidence that you are about to present with the thesis statement. DON’T forget about your thesis statements!!!!! You should address aspects of your thesis with every single paragraph!!
Structuring Body Paragraphs Topic Sentence—Attempt to connect the passage you are going to quote with the thesis. Statement of Context—Write ONE sentence that helps the reader of your essay to understand WHERE in the novel the quote is taking place. Setting up the quote/ delivering the quote. DON’T BEGIN A SENTENCE WITH A QUOTE. (Scout says…) After the quote: Provide a thorough analysis of the passage itself. Break down the words in the quotation and fully explore how the passage relates to your overall thesis.
Example 1 Thesis: “Far from being an ineffectual reformer, Atticus Finch is the epitome of the solution to Maycomb’s social and political problems.” Example Topic Sentence: “Gladwell uses this personal discipline as a demonstration of Finch’s inability to act in the face of challenge, citing Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose and Atticus’ treatment of her as an example.”
Example 2 Thesis: “All these characters are driven by dread to lie in order to protect themselves and those they love dearly.” Topic Sentence: “Boo Radley has been an enigmatic figure Scout’s entire existence, someone she describes as a “…malevolent phantom….” The fantastical characteristics given to Boo lessen his identity as a person and make him more of an idea.”
Example 3 Thesis: “Much like Jim Folsom, Atticus Finch, though he does not hide his opposition to racism, cannot be considered a civil rights activist due to his lack of participation in any civil rights movements.” Topic Sentence: “Civil rights activists openly spoke out against those who opposed de-segregation and equal rights. Atticus Finch, however, did not defend himself or African Americans when Mrs. Dubose directly insulted both.