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Body Paragraphs and Topic Sentences In a General Essay Structure
Rubric for the Outline ( 10 pts) Follows the guidelines for either a persuasive or compare/contrast essay (block or point-by-point) Contains keywords/phrases or full sentences (uses proper punctuation if full sentences) Is typed in Word, Times New Roman 12 pt. Is complete (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion) Has been spell checked Is parallel in form and wording Includes the levels of detail from the worksheets. Turn in your worksheet plus your outline on 11/30 ©Suzanne Ryan 3
Body Paragraphs Purpose The body paragraphs in your essay support the main idea in your thesis statement by breaking it down into smaller ideas or subtopics. Ideas in your paragraphs should relate back to the thesis statement. Essay Introduction & Thesis Statement Body Paragraph 1 _____________ Body Paragraph 2 _____________ Body Paragraph 3 _____________ Body Paragraph 4 _____________ Body Paragraph 5 _____________
Body Paragraphs Most paragraphs contain between five to ten sentences. The first line of a paragraph is usually indented (begin a few spaces to the right of the margin) to show that there is a new paragraph. Form ________________________. ____________________. _____________________. _________________________. ____________________________. ____________________. ______________________. ______________________________. indent
What is a topic sentence? A topic sentence has four main characteristics It is a sentence. It is a part of a paragraph, usually the first sentence. It has the topic of the paragraph It has the controlling idea of the paragraph. A topic sentence is the main idea of a paragraph.
SO…. A topic sentence is a sentence that has a topic and a controlling idea and is the first sentence of a paragraph. Just like the thesis sentence services this purpose for the whole essay.
In Essay Writing… A reader expects to have an idea of the topic and the focus of a paragraph. Each time the reader sees a new paragraph, he/she expects the topic (or focus) to change. Here are three paragraphs in an essay about Lincoln’s difficult childhood. (Par 1) One of the greatest difficulties young Lincoln faced was the death of his mother. (Par 2) Young Lincoln did not have many friends growing up. (Par 3) Finally, Lincoln could not attend school.
A topic sentence implies a question that the paragraph is going to answer…. WHO? WHAT? What reasons? What effects? WHERE? WHY? HOW? WHICH ONES? WHEN?
Supporting Sentences Definition Every paragraph has sentences that relate to the ideas in the topic sentence. These sentences are called supporting sentences. Look at the supporting sentences on the next page to see how the writer provided more information on the subject in the topic sentence.
Supporting Sentences Topic Sentence An important factor in learning a foreign language has to do with the concept of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation. When we do something for the “fun of it” or because we enjoy it, that is called intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is when we do something for the purpose of receiving some kind of external reward such as money, time off from work, etc. Many education experts believe that intrinsic motivation is more powerful when it comes to helping students retain what they’ve learned. Supporting Sentences
Concluding Sentence A concluding sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph. A conclusion can remind the reader of the main points of a paragraph and/or leave the reader with something to think about in relation to the topic. Look at the next page to see how the writer used a concluding sentence. Definition and Purpose
Body Paragraph An important factor in learning a foreign language has to do with the concept of intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation. When we do something for the “fun of it” or because we enjoy it, that is called intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is when we do something for the purpose of receiving some kind of external reward such as money, time off from work, etc. Many education experts believe that intrinsic motivation is more powerful when it comes to helping students retain what they’ve learned. The question and challenge for teachers today is, “How can we help our students become intrinsically motivated in what we are teaching?” Concluding Sentence This concluding sentence tries to leave a final thought with the reader by asking a question.
Concluding Sentence Useful Expressions It is sometimes helpful to have a concluding expression in your last sentence to signal the end of your paragraph. Some common expressions used in concluding sentences are listed below. As the data shows, These examples show that… As a result, In summary, Finally, Consequently,
Transitions Good transitions can connect paragraphs and turn disconnected writing into a unified whole. Instead of treating paragraphs as separate ideas, transitions can help readers understand how paragraphs work together, reference one another, and build to a larger point.
Transitions (continued) The key to producing good transitions is highlighting connections between corresponding paragraphs. By referencing in one paragraph the relevant material from previous ones, writers can develop important points for their readers.
Transitions (continued) It is a good idea to continue one paragraph where another leaves off. Instances where this is especially challenging may suggest that the paragraphs don't belong together at all.
Transitions (continued) Picking up key phrases from the previous paragraph and highlighting them in the next can create an obvious progression for readers. Many times, it only takes a few words to draw these connections.
Transitions (continued) Instead of writing transitions that could connect any paragraph to any other paragraph, write a transition that could only connect one specific paragraph to another specific paragraph.
Before… Fearing for the loss of Danish lands, Christian IV signed the Treaty of Lubeck, effectively ending the Danish phase of the 30 Years War. But then something else significant happened. The Swedish intervention began.
After… Fearing for the loss of more Danish lands, Christian IV signed the Treaty of Lubeck, effectively ending the Danish phase of the 30 Years War. Shortly after Danish forces withdrew, the Swedish intervention began.
Before… Example: Amy Tan became a famous author after her novel, The Joy Luck Club, skyrocketed up the bestseller list. There are other things to note about Tan as well. Amy Tan also participates in the satirical garage band the Rock Bottom Remainders with Stephen King and Dave Barry.
After… Amy Tan became a famous author after her novel, The Joy Luck Club, skyrocketed up the bestseller list. Though her fiction is well known, her work with the satirical garage band, the Rock Bottom Remainders, receives far less publicity.
Reading for this week and next Check your syllabus for readings – do this week’s and next for next week since this is a short week.