GETTING THE EDGE! ILLINOIS PUBLIC LIBRARIES Summer, 2014 Where People Connect, Communities Connect! Debra Aggertt Illinois State Library Edge Coordinator
All people should have opportunities to enrich and improve their lives through open access to exceptional information, communication and technology services available in public libraries EDGE INITIATIVE GOAL Where People Connect, Communities
The coalition of leading library and local government organizations working on Edge includes: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation –funding partner for Edge Urban Libraries Council – the lead agency for Edge American Library Association, OITP International City/County Management Association LYRASIS OCLC’s WebJunction Public Library Association State Libraries of California, Oklahoma and Texas TechSoup Global Universities of Maryland and Washington Where People Connect, Communities THE EDGE ROUNDTABLE
June through September libraries in seven states; 26 from Illinois Largest library systems participating are Chicago Public Library and Houston Public Library both serving over 2 million residents Smallest library systems participating are O’Keene Public Library and Locust Grove Public Library in OK both with service areas of less than 1,500 residents Where People Connect, Communities Achieve SOFT
To create a comparison tool for libraries, based on completions of the Edge assessment by these randomly selected libraries Helps libraries contextualize their scores, identify priorities and make strategic decisions Where People Connect, Communities Achieve PEER COMPARISON LIBRARIES - WHY A RANDOM Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7 <5,000 5, ,000 Single outlet 15, ,000 Multiple outlet 15, ,000 65, , , ,000 >300,000
All 50 states are participating EDGE presentations at PLA/March 2014 and ALA/June 2014 States are promoting the assessment with programs and webinars for public libraries Where People Connect, Communities Achieve NATIONAL LAUNCH JANUARY
EDGE BENCHMARKS VERSION benchmarks to assess public access technology services across three main areas Where People Connect, Communities Engaging the Community and Decision Makers Organizational Management Community Value
Assess current public access technology and how it’s used Identify ways to strengthen or enhance public access technology Engage with key leaders about the role for the public library in improving communities WHY IS EDGE IMPORTANT TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES? Where People Connect, Communities
VALUE OF EDGE TO ILLINOIS PUBLIC LIBRARIES How libraries are using the Edge: Engaging local leaders on how the library helps achieve community goals Changing perceptions about library value - externally and internally Engaging and building leadership with staff Making decisions about allocation of library resources Identifying new ways of doing business based on peer best practices Where People Connect, Communities
Edge helps stakeholders connect technology in libraries with achieving community priorities Edge pilot libraries say: + += LIBRARY PUBLIC ACCESS TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIPS ACHIEVING COMMUNITY PRIORITIES Where People Connect, Communities Achieve STAKEHOLDERS
Identifies gaps & opportunities Engages staff in improving the library Opens dialogue Communicates value INTERNAL Where People Connect, Communities Achieve EDGE IS HELPFUL INTERNALLY & EXTERNAL
Where People Connect, Communities Staff person and a Trustee must view a webinar or attend an in-person presentation Library must claim their account at Print and review the EDGE Assessment workbook PER CAPITA REQUIREMENT FOR 2015
Overview o Dashboard that shows progress o Ability to export and download details Assessment results and recommendations Ability to reopen assessment Ability to customize tools, register for training Where People Connect, Communities Achieve TO PARTICIPATE FULLY IN THE EDGE ASSESSMENT…. Go to Click “Sign Up” button (top right corner) Complete Library Pre-registration
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Where People Connect, Communities
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Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Where People Connect, Communities
Illinois EDGE Resource Page For all your questions: Archive to EDGE overview webinar: Workbook: ment_Workbook.pdf Where People Connect, Communities 31
EDGE SUPPORT CENTER Access the Support Center as follows: Visit and click on Support Goal is to resolve all requests within 2 business days Where People Connect, Communities 32
Please send questions and comments to: The Illinois State Library Edge Team: Debra Aggertt Robert Jones Brian Tober Where People Connect, Communities QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?