ePortfolio.org Version 4.0 ePortfolio.org with Project Builder and Assessment Module Presented By Diane J. Goldsmith Dean of Planning, Research, and Assessment Connecticut Distance Learning Consortium
Conventions ePortfolio Portfolios Work/Artifacts/ Objects Guest View Photo, Personal Info, Education, Experience, Resumes, Portfolios
Overview – For Students Student Centered Platform Create and customize portfolios Maintain plan of study Share work, goals, plans with advisors and counselors, employers
Overview – For Institutions Project Builder for Faculty –Create portfolio assignment –Link to scoring Rubrics Assessment Module for Departments and Institutions –Random selection of work –Committee scoring using rubrics –Assessment report generation
Platform Students control content Invitation Only Personalize Views Emphasizes mindful engagement Reflective Template Driven
Goal Oriented Mindful Engagement – Why? Set, Review, and Revise Goals –Academic, Career, Course, –Co-curricular Share and discuss with advisors Viewed or ed to instructors Made part of a portfolio
Portfolios Collect,Reflect,Present Collect any digital work –For course, advising, career purposes Reflect, Introduce, Comment Present –As link which allows for comments –Zipped and ed as a package –Or submitted with a click to an instructor built Project
Career Section Extensive information on Education and Experience Can be incorporated into Resume using the resume builder Invite Counselors to see Goals and Career info Counselors can work virtually on job exploration, resume building, and interview skills
Advising Students and Advisors interact virtually Create plan of study Share goals and plans
Custom Views Point and Click to create a custom view for: –Instructors –Counselors –Advisors –Employers –Family and friends
Project Builder Scoring Rubrics For Portfolio and artifacts Instructions for Entire Project and each Artifact Introduction, Reflection, Comments Student Creates Portfolio with appropriate Introduction, Reflection, and Comments to meet Requirements
Project Builder For Instructors –Encourage selection –Encourage reflection –Encourage holistic view –Rubrics can provide guidance on expectations of quality –Comment
Project Builder For Departments –Create master project which can be copied by many instructors –Grading rubrics can be aggregated for assessment purposes.
Project Builder For Students –Access Project requirements from eportfolio –Submit to instructor with one click –View their comments and “rubric” scores –Create job search portfolios by copying work to employment portfolio
Assessment Module Project Builder Students’ ePortfolio Assessment Module Collect Work Random Selection Committee Review Anonymity Reports and/or Raw Data
Technical Issues Centrally hosted – no staffing or infrastructure costs for your campus Enhancements/upgrades are free CTDLC enterprise data center Advisory Board Membership Password protected SSL 128 encryption for ID’s LMS integration in progress
Suggestion Don’t ask students to do something you haven’t done –- Create a portfolio for fun or professional reasons. My fun ePortfolio A Professional ePortfolio
For More Information Diane J. Goldsmith Dean of Planning, Research, and Assessment