Happy Monday Super Stars Today: 1.Turn in research paper 2.Citelighter Survey – Online 3.Reflection Questions 4.Party
Reflection Questions Why did you choose the essay prompt that you selected? How did you decide which sources to use to gather information? Which source did you find most valuable? Why? What part during the research process did you find most difficult? Why was it challenging? How did you work through it? What part of the research process was the most helpful in seeing that you completed your paper? Where do you feel like you have improved the most in the researching and writing process? What lingering questions do you still have? What did you learn about yourself as a writer during this uni t of study?
Back to the old grind…. Today: 1.Russia today-Crisis in Ukraine 2.Teacher Modeling – Text Analysis 3.Student Practice – What kind of leader is Putin?
The Soviet Union Soviet Union: Communist empire led by Russia that Stalin creates – Finally breaks up in 1991 after the Cold War – 15 modern countries used to be part of it – Is it coming back?
Crisis in Ukraine Protests started in Nov after President Viktor Yanukovych, moved towards closer relationships with Russia and refused a closer relationship with Ukraine Yanukovych fled after massive protests New government was formed Russia speaking peoples began protesting in response Backed by Putin and Russian forces, Crimea broke away from Ukraine.
Joseph Stalin vs. Vladimir Putin
Historical Thinking Skills How would you define the following things? – Author’s Main Argument/Claim – Best Evidence – Source Bias
Is Vladimir Putin trying to become a totalitarian leader like Joseph Stalin? Listen and pay attention as Ms. Rosenberg models how to identify the author’s source, bias, main argument, and best evidence in a document. Afterwards, I will be calling on you to tell me when I identified the above things, so pay attention!
Source: President Vladimir Putin, speech to the Russian Federation Congress on March 18, 2014, on the annexation of Crimea In 1954, a decision was made to transfer Crimea from Russia to Ukraine. This was the personal decision of the Communist Party head Nikita Khrushchev. What was behind this decision of his is for historians to figure out. What matters now is that this decision was made in clear violation of the constitutional laws that were in place even then. The decision was made behind the scenes. Naturally, in a totalitarian state nobody bothered to ask the citizens of Crimea. Dear friends, we have gathered here today in connection with an issue that is of vital historic significance to all of us. A referendum was held in Crimea on March 16 in full compliance with democratic procedures and international norms. More than 82 percent of the people took part in the vote. Over 96 percent of them spoke out in favor of reuniting with Russia. These numbers speak for themselves. In people’s hearts and minds, Crimea has always been an inseparable part of Russia. This strong belief is based on truth and justice and was passed from generation to generation, over time, under any circumstances, despite all the dramatic changes our country went through during the entire 20th century.
Happy BLOCK DAY Smooth Operators Today: 1.Wrap up Putin 2.China in the 20 th Century 3.Mao vs. Deng Document Activity EQ: What were the similarities and differences in Mao and Deng’s policies?
What kind of leader is Putin? Is Putin a defender of democratic ideals or is Putin a pro-Soviet, Stalinist leader? What should the United States do in response to his aggression in the Ukraine? So what is the United States/Europes’ stake in this? Should we intervene?
Good Morning Students! 1.Debrief- 20 th Century China – compare and contrast Deng and Mao. 2.Brain-Storm: US Governments Role in the world today 3.Modern China: What Role should China play in the 21 st Century?
China in the 20 th Century Chinese Civil War ends in 1949 with Communist party taking over lead by Mao Zedong Attempts “Great Leap Forward” economic and social reforms, however it results in 45 million deaths, mostly from starvation Followed by the Cultural Revolution which lasts until Mao’s death in – Massive pro-democracy protests break out across China and are violently repressed. 1990’s and 2000’s see China move towards a more mixed economic policy, people can buy homes, start private businesses – however political and social repression is still common. On your white boards- create a similarities and differences chart of Deng and Mao. Then write a summarizing sentence - What was China like in the 20 th century? We will share both of these with the rest of the class-
Brain Storm: What is the role of the U.S. in the world today? Brainstorm in your groups and write up one example on the board.
Feliz Martes Mis Amigos Today: 1.China in the 21 st Century – Document Activity 2.Discussion 3.IT: Consequences of the One Child policy. EQ: What is China’s role in the 21 st century
GOOD AFTERNOON LEARNERS! Today: 1.Finish Modern China Documents 2.Discussion – preparation for essay writing 3.Writing Detailed Essay Outline
China’s Role in the 21 st Century “ China is rising, and it’s not going away. They’re neither our enemy nor our friend. They’re competitors. But we have to make sure that we have enough military-to-military contact and forge enough of a relationship with them that we can stabilize the region. That’s something I’d like to do as president.” -Barack Obama – Discussing China in 2008 presidential debate.
China’s role in the 21 st Century We will read document A as a class and fill out the graphic organizer Document B is a short 12 min documentary on China’s real-estate boom You will then complete documents C-G independently. Come up with TWO roles per document that China may play in the 21 st century. Always thinking about – What role will China play in the 21 st century?
Happy Friday My Little Monsters~ Today: 1.Warm up: Newspapers and SPIN 2.Finish In class Essay writing 1.If finished switch with another finished person and explain to them why they are wrong – focus on why their sources may be invalid – the other perspective 3.Watch documentary on China’s One Child Policy.
What will China’s Role in the 21 st Century Be? Choice 1: Select two roles China may play in the 21 st Century – Explain using the documents and/or outside research Choice 2: Select one role China may play in the 21 st Century – Explain using the documents and/or outside research. You must use a minimum of FOUR pieces of evidence. If you are done – switch with someone else who is done and explain to them why they are wrong – either invalidating their sources or explaining the other perspective.
Essay Brainstorm – China’s Role in the 21 st Century