KWL EARTHQUAKES KnowWant to KnowLearned
WHAT IS AN EARTHQUAKE? An earthquake occurs when two blocks of earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane. The hypocenter is the location below the earth’s surface where the earthquakes start. The location directly above it on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter.
WHAT CAUSES EARTHQUAKES? Shifts in the Earth’s tectonic plates cause earthquakes. Tectonic plates are large pieces of crust that float on top of molten rock that is below the earths surface. The Earth’s plates are constantly moving small amounts, a small slip between plates can cause tiny earthquakes every day. Sometimes two tectonic plates will press up against each other, creating pressure. Eventually this pressure becomes too much and the plates shift over one another, under or from side to side to release the pressure. This is what causes intense earthquakes
RICHTER SCALE The scale that scientists use to measure the magnitude of the earthquakes The earthquakes magnitude is measured on a seismograph.
HOW DO EARTHQUAKES EFFECT THE EARTH? Many people may be killed or injured Homes are destroyed Water supply may be contaminated by burst pipes Diseases may spread High cost of rebuilding Leads to different natural disasters such as: Landslides Tsunamis Liquefactions
FAULTS Example of a normal fault Example of a normal fault
WHAT TO DO INCASE OF AN EARTHQUAKE Be prepared with enough food and water for 3-7 days (one gallon a day per person) A first aid kid Flashlights Radios Fire extinguisher
EARTHQUAKES Pink- San Francisco Yellow- Chile Blue- Tokyo White- Indonesia
RESEARCH AND ANSWER Research and answer the following questions about earthquakes then record your voice on fotobabblefotobabble Find a picture of your earthquake What year did your earthquake occur? Where did your earthquake occur? What was your earthquakes magnitude? Give one interesting fact about your earthquake
EVALUATION Watch the Bill Nye Earthquakes video and complete the worksheet.Bill Nye Earthquakes
BIBLIOGRAPHY uakes_rev3.shtml uakes_rev3.shtml arthquake_effects.html arthquake_effects.html x