Who? Middle school math teachers who are not teaching algebra Middle school algebra teachers High school algebra teachers School administrators supervising math teachers
What and When? Weekly at the start Minimally semi-monthly at the start Twice a quarter at the start Teachers’ collaborative meetings with site leader Teachers’ meetings with coach Joint algebra teachers’ meetings between middle and high school teachers
Focus of Work Revise pre-algebra and algebra curricula to align with Common Core Standards. Improve communication and collaboration between middle and high school math departments. Examine and improve functioning principles related to math placements. Increase the use of effective mathematics teaching strategies, emphasizing formative assessment.
Professional Development Leader will use formative assessment to: assess teachers ’ understanding of what formative assessment is; assess teachers ’ ability to use provided instruments so that instruction is guided by their results; assist teachers in their attempts to design and administer their own assessment instruments; assess teachers ’ willingness to adapt instruction to address issues discovered through administration of assessment instruments; provide strengthening of content knowledge where such need is discovered; clarify the larger objectives associated with learning mathematics, in general, and specific algebraic topics, in particular; develop teachers ’ repertoires of effective pedagogical strategies.
Teachers will use formative assessment to: assess students ’ mathematics understandings through the use of both teacher-made and outside assessment instruments; develop students ’ abilities to focus upon the skills and concepts being targeted by the course of study in which they are engaged; assist students in recognizing their optimal individual styles of learning; encourage student recognition of authentic achievement, a precursor to genuine self-esteem.
Students will use formative assessment to: focus their study upon the specific areas where the data show they are lacking in mastery of skills and/or concepts related to topics presented in the course; reflect upon how their mathematics progress is a continuous and fluid phenomenon over which they have a significant amount of personal control.