1 USM K-16 Framework: Opportunities for New Faculty Identities Making the walls between campus and community more permeable American Association of Colleges.


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Presentation transcript:

1 USM K-16 Framework: Opportunities for New Faculty Identities Making the walls between campus and community more permeable American Association of Colleges and Universities Faculty Work and The New Academy Presenters: Lynn Harbinson, E=mc² Project Manager; Dewayne Morgan, Research Analyst; Danielle Susskind, Research Associate


3 USM Policy on Faculty K-16 Engagement The assessment of teaching, research/scholarship/creative activities, and service during the promotion and tenure process shall give appropriate recognition, consistent with the institution's mission, to faculty accomplishments that are collaborative, interdisciplinary, and inter-institutional and to faculty innovations in areas such as undergraduate education, minority-achievement programs, K-16 curriculum development, and technology-enhanced learning. Board of Regents Bylaws, Procedures, and Policies II UNIVERSITY SYSTEM POLICY ON APPOINTMENT, RANK, AND TENURE OF FACULTY

4 What is P-16? Seamless educational alignment from kindergarten through college Raising standards and expectations for both students and teachers Collaboration among diverse educational segments and with the larger community to improve student learning outcomes

5 Why P-16 Partnerships? The whole is greater than the sum of its parts Aristotle Metaphysica, b

6 Building P-20 Partnerships Prince George’s Public Schools is the 18 th largest school system in the US and second largest in the state Over 137,000 students and 200 schools At the beginning of the project, teacher retention was below 50% after two years

7 Addressing Challenges: How to... Addressing Challenges: How to... Improve teacher retention in the county schools Recruit more high quality science and mathematics teachers for county schools Establish more sustainable partnerships through PDSs in Prince George’s County

8 Partnering for Change University System of Maryland Prince George’s County Public Schools University of Maryland College Park Towson University Bowie State University Prince George’s Community College Maryland Business Round Table

9 Faculty Roles in Project LINC

10 Faculty Fellows Joseph Topping Analytical Chemistry Susie Feldman Cell Biologist Cell Biologist Jennifer Scott Astronomist Phuoc Ha Particle Physicist Particle Physicist

11 Vertically Integrated Partnerships K-16 (VIP K-16)  $7.5-million, 5-year Math and Science Partnership grant of the National Science Foundation.  Designed to bring inquiry science instruction to high- school and university students. Partners include:  1 public school system, 1 community college, and 7 USM IHEs  Goals:  Develop a sustainable learning community  Enrich science teacher knowledge  Engage college faculty in enriching their teaching and pedagogy

12 VIP K-16 Activities Involving IHE Faculty Course Redesign Summer internships for HS teachers to work with IHE faculty Professional learning communities Dissemination of their results to the P-16 Community

13 VIP K-16 Challenges to Faculty Engagement Different cultures among schools and universities Geography- distance between institutions and school system Little knowledge of educational research among Master Science Teachers, faculty fellows, and project staff Systemic barriers to change instructional practices “Publish or perish”-strong pressure to do research

14 CASHÉ: Change and Sustainability in Higher Education A three-year study that seeks to document curriculum transformation, faculty engagement, and sustainable change among higher education institutions involved in NSF Math and Science Partnership (MSP) Projects.

15 CASHÉ: Goals Discover how MSPs have changed undergraduate STEM education and teacher preparation at participating higher education institutions Identify what strategies MSPs have used to engage faculty in these change initiatives Assess the impact (if any) that MSPs have had on campus culture, policies, and priorities in such areas as hiring, promotion and tenure, faculty advancement, faculty development, and rewards structures

16 Discussion Questions Primary Questions: 1.How do faculty communities view partnerships with the K-12 community? Are they programs of scholarship or community service? 2.In your experiences, what types of incentives are institutions using to encourage and reward higher education faculty involvement in P-16 initiatives? 2.In your experiences, what types of incentives are institutions using to encourage and reward higher education faculty involvement in P-16 initiatives? a. Which appear to be the most effective in terms of numbers of faculty involved and depth of engagement and participation?

17 Discussion Questions 3.To what extent has your institution created or adopted some form of the "community of practice" model to engage higher education faculty in P-16 activities? 3.To what extent has your institution created or adopted some form of the "community of practice" model to engage higher education faculty in P-16 activities? a.How are these communities structured and defined? a.How are these communities structured and defined? b.How do these communities contribute to and support broader institutional objectives? 4.Have faculty in certain disciplines at your institution been able to make more headway than others through their involvement in P-16 initiatives? 4.Have faculty in certain disciplines at your institution been able to make more headway than others through their involvement in P-16 initiatives? a. If so, what internal and external factors account for these differences?

Conversation Points 18 To what extent has your institution created or adopted some form of the "community of practice" model to engage higher education faculty in P-16 activities? How are these communities structured and defined? How do these communities contribute to and support broader institutional objectives?

CONTACT INFORMATION Lynn Harbinson, E=mc² Project Manager, University System of Maryland, Dewayne Morgan, Research Analyst, University System of Maryland, Danielle Susskind, P-20 Project Specialist, University System of Maryland, 19