Meaning: Resources are insufficient to satisfy ALL human wants A relative concept: we want more than we have Basic economic problem in human societies
We have Unlimited Wants and Needs But Limited Resources Create Scarcity So we need to make Choices What to produce, How to Produce, For Whom to produce
1. Personal Perspective: your own feelings of what is needed or wanted. 2. Poor Distribution of Resources: not using your resources to their potential. 3. Rapid Increase in Demand: A sudden rush to use resources can cause a shortage.
1. Doing without something 2. Creating more resources 3. Making better use of our resources
We compete for the use of limited resources Two types of competition Price competition Non price competition e.g. waiting, examination, lucky draw, violence…
Which restaurant will you go for lunch? What would you like to study at university? What will you buy with $100? CD or dress ? Which girl (boy) will you marry?
Def. All of the resources used to produce a good or service. Most resources can be used for only one thing at a time.
Real costs of building a bridge instead of a building Construction workers (cannot work on building a new building) A crane (cannot be used to build a new building) Steel (used in the bridge, cannot be used in a new building)
Def. When you choose between two possible uses for a resource, giving up one alternative for another. Ex. Bridge vs. Building I can either buy this book or pizza, but not both.
When you make a trade off, there are costs. The value of time, money, goods, and services given up in an economic choice. The #1 alternative is the Opportunity cost. By doing this, I give up the opportunity to do that. If we build the bridge, we can’t build the building. If I buy the pizza, I can’t buy the book.
OptionsBenefitOpportunity Cost 1 hour of extra study time Grade of C on test 1 hour of sleep 2 nd hour of extra study time Grade of B on test 2 hours of sleep 3 rd hour of extra study time Grade of B+ on test 3 hours of sleep
Benefits Higher Income More Job opportunities Job opportunities in a career I enjoy Job opportunities in more places Opportunity Costs Costs a LOT of money Student loans for years 4 (or more) years of school No guarantee of a job when I get out What if I change my mind?