American Studies Institute Ain Sukhna, EgyptJanuary 2005 Slideshow Eight: The Gayer-Anderson House A Joint Project of Binational Fulbright Commission-Egypt and James Madison University Office of International Programs Lee Sternberger, Principal Investigator Project Directors Noha El Gindi (Fulbright) Lorie Merrow (JMU ) JMU Faculty Philip Bigler, Steve Reich Elizabeth Chew (Monticello) Mark Facknitz, Howard Lubert Fulbright Assistants Mariam Laila Hussein JMU Student Assistant Bareza Rasoul
A walk through Islamic Cairo First stop, The Gayer-Anderson House A museum of two restored Muslim homes And oriental artifacts collected by a British physician
A museum guide opens a hidden door to a small chamber where women sat protected behind a grillwork and watching gatherings of men below
The Women’s Room
View from the Women’s Room
Furniture and other details
The homes exhibited many different styles of decor
A bedroom ceiling
A folding chair inlaid with ivory A birthing chair with carved script from the Quran
A portrait of Mohammed Ali ca. 1850
A rooftop terrace with wooden grillwork, water jugs and other amenities
The view from the rooftop terrace
Overlooking the courtyard of the adjacent Ibn Tulun Mosque