Foundations CE CE CE 1914CE- present
Babylonian King who created sophisticated law code, reigned between BCE
Who was Hammurabi?
African people who originally lived in present day Nigeria who migrated throughout sub-Saharan Africa around 2000 BCE. They were very influential linguistically.
Who are the Bantu?
The early belief system that supported the idea that political and social harmony came from the proper ordering of relationships was ______.
What is Confucianism?
The caste system, originated from the earliest inhabitants of India known as the Dravidians, included this lowest level of society known as shudras or___________
Who are serfs?
This empire continued to evidence the imperial authority and cultural traditions of of the Mediterranean after the collapse of the western Roman Empire.
What is the Byzantine Empire?
The translation for “dar al-Islam”
What is “House of Islam”?
This is one of the most important naval technological inventions that the Chinese developed
What is the magnetic compass or the sternpost rudder?
This was one effect of Mongol control and domination of Europe, Asia and the Middle East
What was a surge in long distance trade and the fact that trade became less risky because of Mongol protection of the Silk Roads?
This was one of the foundations of power for the Mali Empire
What was : 1.control of trans-Saharan trade, specifically the gold trade 2.a strong cavalry 3.A series of powerful kings, including Mansa Musa
This was Islamic holy law as told in the Quran. It described details of religious observances and social relationships, as well as aspects of Islamic law.
What was sharia?
He was a Chinese admiral during the Ming Dynasty would made seven journeys of exploration designed to establish a Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean Basin.
Who was Zheng He?
This created a global diffusion of plants, food crops, animals, human populations and disease pathogens as well as contributing to an increase in world population.
What was the Columbian Exchange?
This dynasty unified Japan from 1600 until 1867 and was characterized by 1.a military government known as a “bakufu” 2.a military governor known as a shogun 3.and a foreign policy that expelled Europeans from Japanese ports.
What was the Tokugawa Shogunate?
These three Islamic empires began as small warrior principalities of frontier areas and grew to develop elaborate military and administrative institutions in India, present day Iran and present day Turkey and the Middle East.
What was the Mughal, the Safavid and the Ottoman Empires?
This term is used to describe an individual of indigenous and European parentage
What is mestizo?
Which area of the world was the chief victim of late 19 th century European imperialism?
What was sub-Saharan Africa?
Marx and Engels criticized capitalism because of the marked inequality between these two groups of people
Who are the capitalists and the proletariat?
By the 19 th century, this was the dominant form of industrial organization in Europe, the United States and Japan.
What was the factory system?
This event was characterized by: 1.The return of authority to the Japanese emperor 2. An end to military rule in Japan 3. Interest in seeking knowledge and expertise from the United States and Europe.
What was the Meiji Restoration?
The motivation for this meeting was to determine when and how Europe would “carve up” Africa.
What was the Berlin Conference?
A thinly veiled attempt at continuing imperialism, this was established after World War I to control former colonies of the defeated central Powers.
What was the mandate system?
This world leader was known for developing a philosophy of passive resistance known as “Satyagraha”.
Who was Gandhi?
The United States developed this as a regional military alliance to combat Soviet expansionism after World War II.
What is NATO?
War broke out in 1947 between these two states because both claimed control over Kashmir. The war served to re-emphasize their religious differences.
What is India and Pakistan?
This term describes Mikhail Gorbachev’s decision to allow open criticism of the Soviet Union in 1985 and his admission of past mistakes.
What is “glasnost”?