When I am afraid…
Spooky stuff
Getting into trouble
Sometimes… Yes!
Sometimes… I need others
Creepy- crawlies
Sometimes… I need others
Sometimes… Only God can help
Image from VisualBibleAlive.com
Majid said: “I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?”
Image by Luis Toro
1-Help myself 2-Ask someone to help me 3-Trust God to help me
Kazem said: I rely on God because I have confidence in his power TRUST God
How to Zap my fears
" Now surely the friends of Allah there is no fear and sadness in their hearts “ «أَلا إِنَّ أَولياءَ اللهِ خَوفٌ عَلَيهم وَ لَا هُم يَحزَنُونَ». «آگاه باشيد که دوستان خدا هرگز هيچ ترس و اندوهي در دل آنها نيست » يونس/62Younis / 62
1. Write How to Zap my fears
2. Read 3. Think 2. Read 3. Think
4. Memorize
5. Trust God (Rely on him) 5. Trust God (Rely on him)
We need never be afraid of anything. We need never be afraid of anything.
- Even dying! - Even dying!
Fear FEARfearFEA FEARfearFEARfea fearFEARfearFEA FEARfearFEARfea
A practical life-application by group 6 Majid atarodi-kazem abdi-sohrab jorjani-hamed parhizkar Sources: Quran
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