Thumb vs Index finger Prepared by : Nurul Rabiatul Asma Binti Abdul Pattah and Nur Alwani Binti Harun
Lonely…??? Want to find a friend??
Now……. Everything's at your finger tips
But….which finger do you choose?? Thumb Or Index finger
Let's make an analogy
Sweet = personal detail Wrapped sweet = unexposed personal details Smile = preserved personal details
ant = predator Opened sweet wrapper = exposed personal details Sweet eaten by ant = personal details abuse by predator Sad = become victim of cyber crime because of own mistake
So…choose instead of Because the effects like kill ourselves as it shapes like a shotgun
Social network is not as safe as you think it is So…… Be smarter
Credits friends friends influence/ influence/ successul-with-twitter/ successul-with-twitter/ another-level/ another-level/ ride?eng&w=&h=&thumb+a+ride ride?eng&w=&h=&thumb+a+ride
Credits awards awards seperti-hebat-seekor.html seperti-hebat-seekor.html al-quran.html al-quran.html sson_id=391&topic_id=223&module_id=74&action=viewlesson sson_id=391&topic_id=223&module_id=74&action=viewlesson sson_id=392&topic_id=223&module_id=74&action=viewlesson sson_id=392&topic_id=223&module_id=74&action=viewlesson