What Are They? Who Needs them? What Are They? Who Needs them?
Definition Supplements are formulas that contain any combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutritive or non-nutritive substances.
Supplement Facts Supplements can be sold over the counter (OTC) or by prescription Supplements are NOT regulated by the FDA Supplements most often do not have dosing standards and can be sold in amounts that can have toxic effects. Vitamin/Mineral supplements that are marked USP have been tested for bioavailability and are guaranteed to contain the ingredients that are listed on the label in the amount that is claimed. But USP does NOT guarantee health benefits or safety.
Who Needs Vitamin/Mineral Supplements? Ill people who cannot get enough food Person suffering from a diagnosed nutrient deficiency. Pregnant women People who have nutrient malabsorption problems. Vegans Infants
Other supplements Herbal remedies Phytochemicals Coenzymes Amino Acids Essential fatty acids Plant enzymes There is little research that confirms any human health benefit from taking these substances with the exception of herbs.
Functional Foods or Nutraceuticals Name given to a food that has been nutritionally enhanced by adding vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, herbs or other “health promoting” ingredients. Possible benefit to people who don’t eat well, otherwise, can cause weight gain and oversupplementation.
Herbs Have medicinal functions Can be useless or harmful if taken in the wrong amounts. Be careful when combining with other herbs or drugs. In this country, herbs are not regulated for dosing, preparation, potency or safety.
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