Favoring factors of deficiency diseases in children Author: Andreea-Iulia Csiszer Coordinator: Dr. Reka Borka Balas University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Târgu-Mure
INTRODUCTION The most common deficiency diseases in children are anemia, rickets and malnutrition. Although prevention methods are used for these diseases, serious cases requiring hospitalization and long-term treatment are identified.
Anemia is defined as a hemoglobin concentration or red blood cell mass less than the 5th percentile for age. Rickets is a disease of growing bone that is unique to children and adolescents. It is caused by a failure of osteoid calcification in a growing person.
OBJECTIVE Was to evaluate the favoring factors in deficiency diseases in children diagnosed with anemia and rickets.
MATERIAL AND METHOD Retrospective study between 2009 and 2012, in children hospitalized in the Pediatric Clinic No. 1 Târgu-Mure, diagnosed with anemia and rickets. 79 children with anemia and/or rickets were identified We used Chi-square test to analyze the data.
We considered anemia and rickets favoring factors: prematurity short or absent breast feeding early cow milk introduction incorrect diversification inadequate living conditions inappropriate rickets prophylaxis
RESULTS 79 patients: 69 with anemia and 10 with rickets
RESULTS 49 patients were male and 30 were female
From 10 patients with rickets: From 69 patients with anemia:
Patients with anemia
Patients with rickets
Only 60 % of rickets received prophylaxis with vitamin D.
CONCLUSIONS Deficiency diseases are relatively common in children although we have methods of prophylaxis during pregnancy and in infants. The relative low number of our cases is because these were the hospitalized ones as moderate and severe cases, the mild forms were treated by the general practitioners.
CONCLUSIONS To decrease incidence of these diseases is necessary: Training of mothers regarding prevention and nutrition Monitoring of children with risk factors for deficiency diseases by the general practitioners Useing methods of prophylaxis during pregnancy Iron supplimentation of prematures
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