House and Senate Journals Petitions to: (1) sell all Illinois school land (2) build harbor at Chicago Note: Petition 1 is an attempt by speculators to get school land in Chicago because they could get it cheap and it would become valuable central business district property after construction of harbor. Sale of school land petition died in committee. Representative Duncan, who presented both bills, was also an early governor of Illinois. Study his family tree. Arne Duncan was CEO Chicago Public Schools in 2000s. Arne Duncan’s mother had a tutoring business and would be beneficiary of tax- financed funding for private after-school tutoring programs that Duncan initiated. After school programs are tax-financed babysitting for single moms and two income families who pay inflated prices for real estate and thereby inflate county assessments and county taxes on all properties. Chicago Public school percent of property tax bill inflated at same time actual amount of tax bill inflated during Duncan’s term. Chicago Public Schools used inflated revenues to finance school construction during Arne Duncan’s term. Argument for new schools is age and condition of old schools, and yet taxes to pay for new schools come from inflated alleged resale values on old houses built at same time. Inflated resale values don’t make sense. Old houses need extensive maintenance and are costly to maintain. Inflated values in Ward 31 and Belmont Cragin census area were created by 50% increase in population (predominantly Hispanic immigrants) and overcrowding in existing old housing. Barack Obama appointed Arne Duncan secretary of education in Study original deeds to school land in Chicago. GLO returns for the original deeds name only the first person of a consortium if a group of people bought a lot.