Development and Design of Multimedia Titles Unit E
2 Objectives Plan the title Create and test the title Multimedia design guidelines Design for interactivity Interactive design guidelines Multimedia for the web
3 Rule of Thumb Development Tip Planning80% Production20%
4 Multimedia Development Phase 1 - Planning the Title Develop the concept 1 1 State the purpose 2 2 Identify the target audience 3 3 Determine the treatment 4 4 Develop the specifications 5 5 Storyboard and Navigation 6 6
5 Multimedia Development Phase 2 – Creating and Testing Develop the content 7 7 Author the content 8 8 Test the content 9 9
6 Develop the Concept What, in general, do we want the title to accomplish? –Support the companys vision of their product –Brainstorm ideas –Hold focus group sessions 1
7 State the Purpose What, specifically, do we want to accomplish? –Goals support the vision –Objectives are developed from the goals and must be clear, measurable and obtainable –Keeps the team focused 2
8 Identify Target Audience Who will use the title? –Can use demographics, lifestyle, attitudes –Need to identify as large an audience as possible –Larger audience is more difficult to develop for 3
9 Determine the Treatment What is the look and feel? –Treatment: how the title will be presented to the user Tone: funny, serious, light, heavy, formal, informalTone: funny, serious, light, heavy, formal, informal Approach: amount and type of user direction for interactivityApproach: amount and type of user direction for interactivity Metaphor: themeMetaphor: theme Emphasis: on various multimedia elements (budget can dictate)Emphasis: on various multimedia elements (budget can dictate) 4
10 Develop the Specifications What precisely does the title include, and how does it work? –What will appear on each screen? –Playback system: platform & processor speed –Elements included: How sound is recordedHow sound is recorded Design resolutionDesign resolution Video specificationsVideo specifications Fonts/colorsFonts/colors –Functionality: interactivity specifications –User interface: how to navigate 5
11 Storyboard and Navigation 6 What do the screens look like and how are they linked?
12 Storyboard and Navigation Navigation is linking screens via buttons, hypertext and hot spots Exploratory type: little structure (games) 6
13 Storyboard and Navigation Sequential type: linear (stories, books, presentations, tutorials) 6
14 Storyboard and Navigation Topical type: menu/search (catalog, encyclopedia, kiosk) 6
15 Develop the Content How do we generate the content? Who will be responsible for copyright/licensing issues? –Libraries: stock media vs. create in-house –Personnel: artists, photographers, musicians, actors, writers, editors How will the content be archived and documented? –Element database 7
16 Author the Title How do we bring it all together? Programmer uses scripting Designers for user interface Authors for content Team members all work together 8
17 Testing Does it work the way it was planned? Usually ongoing during development –Prototypes: proof of concept test –Design testing: informal - how user interacts –Usability testing: formal - user filmed and asked questions during interaction –Function testing: does it work as planned? 9
18 Testing Alpha testing –In-house –Try to make it crash –Document errors in bug reports Beta testing –Select potential users to test 9
19 Multimedia Design Guidelines BalanceBalance UnityUnity MovementMovement
20 Multimedia Design Guidelines – Balance Distribution of optical weight –Ability of element to attract users eye –Determined by object nature and size –Nature: shape, color, brightness, type
21 Multimedia Design Guidelines – Balance Screen position –Symmetrical balance –Asymmetrical balance –No balance Symmetrical Balance Asymmetrical Balance
22 Multimedia Design Guidelines – Unity Intra-screen: do screen elements fit in? Inter-screen: consistency of entire title
23 Multimedia Design Guidelines – Movement How users eyes move through screen elements Optical center (above physical center) Designer can control via: –Control starting place with graphic –Use lines to point in a direction –Use color gradients –Have entities looking in a particular direction –Emphasize an element in some way
24 Design for Interactivity Audience Title type Content Title elements
25 Design for Interactivity – Audience Understand users needs How does user work with the title
26 Design for Interactivity – Title Type Access specific information quickly – use menu Reference work – use menu, index, search Kiosk gathering information – control fields Game/entertainment – allow random interaction (exploratory)
27 Design for Interactivity – Content Content volume –Adds more navigation levels –Can increase confusion –Provide hotwords or areas to jump –Use pop-up windows, scrollbars, bookmarks Content nature –Can suggest a theme
28 Design for Interactivity – Title Elements User controls for video, audio
29 Interactive Design Guidelines Make it simple, easy to understand and easy to use (intuitive) First screen shows contents and how to navigate Metaphors consistent with content Elements consistent with metaphors
30 Interactive Design Guidelines Build in consistency
31 Interactive Design Guidelines Use design templates to –Provide consistency –Shorten development time –Prevent object shift
32 Interactive Design Guidelines Provide feedback Provide choices and escapes User has control: view or skip
33 Multimedia for the Web Web sites can be designed for multiple audiences
34 Multimedia for the Web How to attract viewer attention –Flashy and catchy intros –Repeat viewers can skip How to keep viewer interest How to help viewers get what they want from the site
35 Multimedia for the Web Provide quick downloads Keep it simple –Users scan, dont read; use keywords –Average user spends < 60 seconds and needs to Capture their interestCapture their interest Understand focus of siteUnderstand focus of site Understand how to navigate itUnderstand how to navigate it Understand how to get informationUnderstand how to get information –Keep the site fresh
36 Web Development Tips All pages reachable in 3-5 clicks; return home in 1 click Label navigation options clearly Color-code text links Provide a site map Provide a search tool
37 Banner Ads Use for Web promotions Include sound and animation >50% look at; 50% look at; <1% click them Banner placement and size is important –Usually placed at top of page
38 Issue: Online Privacy Is consumer feedback worth the price? –Cookies –Buyer vs. seller benefits –Stakeholder debates IndividualsIndividuals Consumer advocacy groupsConsumer advocacy groups BusinessesBusinesses Government agenciesGovernment agencies
Development and Design of Multimedia Titles End