Higher Geography: Drainage basins
evaporation and transpiration precipitation Interception (stored in plants) overland flow Surface storage infiltration throughflow channel storage soil water storage percolation streamflow groundwater flow groundwater storage Or ‘channel runoff’
Watershed - the boundary separating one drainage basin from another. Tyne drainage basin or catchment area
Constructing a watershed
The watershed defines the boundary of the catchment area. Drainage Basin 1
Drainage basins interlock… 1 2 Drainage Basin 3
transpiration infiltration channel runoff overland flow precipitation evaporation Water table
The Tay-Earn basin Lunan drainage basin River Earn drainage basin Firth of Tay The Tay-Earn basin River Tay and River Earn catchments, Perthshire, Scotland
The Tay-Earn basin Lunan Burn gauging station Firth of Tay River Tay and River Earn catchments, Perthshire, Scotland
Things to think about! River Tay video What a drainage basin is like. The changing landscape from source to mouth. Why what a river does is important to us. The impact of flood events on human activity.