Client Logo Panther Creek Pool October 4, Annual Meeting President’s Report
1 Table Of Contents Summary of Past Year –Change in Homeowner Assessment Amount –Maintenance –Landscape –Bexar Met Right-of-Way Easement Purchase –Speed Bumps –Recycle Program, TDS Outlook for Upcoming Year
2 Change in Homeowner Assessment Amount Study conducted to determine appropriate level of annual contribution to reserve account which is used to pay for anticipated maintenance costs such as: Replacement of street lights, pool pump, gates, etc. Repaving streets and parking lots Sidewalk and curb repairs Landscape replacement Other anticipated maintenance Study indicated need to fund reserve with $75k in 2010 Assessments had to be raised 25% to achieve this level of funding (increase went into effect with January 2010 assessment cycle)
3 Maintenance Performed Pressure washing of curbs and sidewalks along entry and in front of pool area Painting and repair to exterior of guard house (work performed compliments of DR Horton) Repainting of street signs Installation of Security Cameras in the Pool Other pool, street light, irrigation, and misc. repairs
4 Landscaping Removal of dead Bradford pear along entry Replacement is intended but has been delayed due to troubles finding an appropriately sized tree Tree trimming (all trees at entry, and inside/around pool and sports court areas Drainage Ditch Added to Quarterly Maintenance
5 Bexar Met Right-of-Way Easement Purchase Easement purchase BexarMet Permanent right-of-way easement (approx. 20 ft strip of land running along Blanco Rd north of Calico Landing) Temporary construction easement along Blanco Rd. north of Calico Chase Right-of-way easement will be utilized to install a new water main to convey drinking water from new storage tank near Timberwood Park to northern Stone Oak area Total purchase price = $2,189.00
6 Aerial of Parcel Sold to Bexar Met for Right-of-Way Easement
7 Speed Bumps We have records dating back since the inception of the neighborhood with requests for speed bumps Petition was submitted in July Caution signs installed at entrance
8 Recycle Program, TDS Contract was set to expire with Allied, prices were to increase Numerous complaints about Allied Many requests for recycling program Survey done with Allied Less than 50% of households used the Saturday trash pickup The average household used 75 gallons of trash TDS provides “partially automated service” Service commitments in the contract
9 Outlook for Coming Year Builder is wrapping up Sign on Blanco Pool Furniture Basketball Court Committees Social, Communications, Landscape, Budget, Violations Increasing board from 3 to 5
10 To receive community updates, please register on our community website at President Contact Information: Joe Mann Mobile: