This is not a Green Landscape “Classic” Yard – grass and meatballs Not this – yes, it’s native but not here R. austrinum
Does it have to be this?
Green Landscape Concept Reduces negative impacts of development on land, water, air, and energy use Focuses on environmentally friendly designs Preserves scarce natural resources Reduces waste Reduces or mitigates pollution
Green Is A sustainable alternative method of landscaping Focusing on esthetic quality of your acreage, home landscape, or patio (wherever you live) Avoiding using the hazardous chemicals and harmful techniques associated with some traditional landscaping practices Providing innovative directions for shaping your location Has been proven to save energy and money spent on heating and cooling the inside of your home
Sustainability Means Stewardship Improved air and water quality Lowered urban heat-island effects Increased soil-health Increased evapotranspiration Increased vegitative cover Reduced runoff Increased infiltration Improved soil condition
Green – Doesn’t fight climate or nature Takes into account the micro ecology you live in Seasonal temperatures Rainfall and its distribution Solar exposure Winds Soils and drainage Slope Uses eco-friendly materials Matches your ecology to your plant selections Makes use of native plants Mitigates daytime heat and wind via shade, wind-breaks and foliage evapotranspiration
Good Options in Hardscape Recycled plastic landscape timbers and decking Only ACQ-treated lumber, landscape ties, fence posts – CCA arsenic toxicity (see handout) Recycled glass mulches to control weeds in small areas Walkways from glass, crushed stone, pavers, recycled concrete Fly-ash substituted for 50% of concrete if poured is necessary, as in mobility issues for elderly
Eco-Friendly Materials in Your Hardscape Eco mistakes Creosote-laden railroad ties – toxic (see handout) CCA treated lumber and timbers – toxic (see handout) Drab poured concrete walkways – “ungreen” (see handout) Hidden uh-ohs that you may not see Dyed mulch - rapid replacement due to fading Rubber mulch - see handout Not knowing the local source for materials like manure - see handout
Ten Keys to Sustainability 1. Start with a good design that conserves water and uses proper plant placement 2. Amend soil so plants have a healthy start 3. Mulch, mulch, mulch Conserves moisture Prevents weeds Buffers against temperature changes Organic materials can break down to contribute organic matter to the soil esthetically pleasing (Unifies the landscape) Abundant materials available
Ten Keys to Sustainability 4. Limit turf areas
Ten Keys to Sustainability 5. Water efficiently 6. Use proper maintenance practices 7. Make proper plant selections Type Size at maturity Location Shape (especially shade trees)
Ten Keys to Sustainability – Use Natives 8. Natives – Are esthetic ally pleasing Use proper care and control Use proper pruning 9. Natives – Are naturally weather-/drought-tolerant With proper selection Correct culture 10. Natives - Are naturally resistant to pests and diseases Minimize pesticide use Natural predators come “installed”